Benefits Entitlement



Hi. Unfortunately have just become unemployed and would like to know what my entitlements are. Was on income of 45k, have 4 kids and my wife is returning to work next week after maternity leave. Plan to be a stay at home father for the foreseeable future. Should me and my wife be jointly assessed and where should I look for advice. Would appreciate help


Yes it would be better if you are jointly assesed as your tax credits could be transferred to her.
If your are on jobseekers benefit you can still retain your own PAYE credit to offset the tax on JB.
If you are not on JB or when JB runs out you can apply for homecarers tax credit.

If you intend being the long-term homaker it is very important to apply for Homakers Years (PRSI) to protect your pension. Mothers get those automatically but fathers have to apply.