Re: Benchmarking.
Hi purple,
Of course they are! Are you saying that people with protected jobs for life
Er, that's not correct - the Public Service Managment Act of 1997 allows for any public servant to be dismissed by the Secretary General of a Department - it used to have to go to the Oireachtas before that.
with subsidised pensions shouldn't be paid more than people in equivalent jobs in the private sector?
Well, since you're asking...ok so ;-) Seriously though as the civil service pension is good, I accept that we have to lose out a bit in terms of current salary. Kinda like deferred BIK if you know what I mean. Still there are benefits in the private sector that will never come in on the public side like company cars etc...
At the moment the public sector only get 13% more (according to ibec), you can't say that's enough!
Ah yes, IBEC that well know source of truth and fair play. Forgive me for saying this purple, but isn't there the slighest chance they might be er, manipulating the figures somewhat??
This can be done by means of including figures on O/T, shift allowances (eg gardai and prison officers) etc etc.
Another possible reason is that IBEC are probably not comparing like with like eg take someone on the mid point of the scale of their salary in the private sector viz-a-viz someone who is on the top of their scale in the public sector and that should be good for an extra couple of %. To be really accurate, they should look at someone in the grade after 5 years, 10 years etc to get a true comparison.
Next you will be saying we should reward risk and
Well er, I would actually, once I'm satisifed the market is properly regulated and everyone has a fair chance to compete....!
This is what social partnership is all about; give the unions so much up front that they will have nothing to go on strike about, it's brilliant!
A tad simplistic I think. Look at it for a second, if IBEC were THAT unhappy, they wouldn't sign up would they? I mean come on the are not completly powerless in this situation. And social partnership is not all about pay either - some of the payments are linked to structual change in the organisation or changing work practices, which I consider to be fair enough as the economy is always moving on.
(except those poor hard working souls in the ESB who are looking for a megre 18%. In this era of low inflation who could begrudge them that
It sounds excessive, no question. However, could we see the terms of the full deal. The devil as always is in the detail.
As for benchamrking mark.2 I don't think it'll happen, well not like last time anyway (our grade got a 10% rise overall).