Beginning Investor questions...!

Beginning inv

Registered User
Hello all
hoping to get some help here with my questions,
I have opened an IG Sharedeal account and just learned that i cannot buy index funds on it!
I wanted to buy them for no other reason than that Warren Buffet and Jack Bogle recommended them, thats the extent of my knowledge at this point!
Anyway, it seems that ETFs are the way to go so my questions are,
1 iShares seem to be the way to go for an Irish investor or am i mistaken there ? (pitfalls ??)
2 I don't want dividends so I believe an accumulating share type is what i want but can't seem to see that info on my IG platform, any tips??
3 I was going to do 40% FTSE index, 40% USA index and say 20% in emerging markets
Does that sound ok and if so can anyone recommend one for each class ??
4 Should i go with the UCIT version of iShares and why?
5 I want to pick 1 website for learning and stick to it so would you have an opinion on Motley Fool versus Investopedia ( although they are very USA based...)

It seems that after all my attempts to study the subject ( a Random Walk and a lot of online info) I seem to be ending up just following the crowd but there you go!
Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
Here is my very limited contribution.

The FTSE is a much narrower index than you might expect.

There is a Motley Fool UK website

The following the crowd thing arises because you only know what you read, you have no way to know what part of it is nonsense. The only way to learn and develop judgement is with your own real money.
Thanks for the response Cremeegg
I saw the Motley Uk but it seemed limited in comparison to IV but i will look at it again as some of the problem with this whole area is info overload (for me anyway) so maybe less is more in this case
I agree on the crowd thing but investment being a long term thing I was hoping to avoid some glaring pitfalls now rather than in 10 years time!