becoming a vet ?



A relative of mine is considering becoming a vet .. few years away yet as junior cert hasn't even been completed.. But anyhow - they are wondering what the best options are regarding courses for junior/leaving cert - are there requirements that they must do say honours maths and a certain number of science subjects ?
Also - where is there to study within Ireland .. I know UCD have this course - is that still located in Ballsbridge or elsewhere? Any other courses in the republic .. or has anyone experience of looking further afield such as England or the U.S. ? Also - any feedback from people that have completed (or are completing) their degree regarding level of work involved would be appreciated. thanks !
I know UCD have this course - is that still located in Ballsbridge or elsewhere?

I was at this years open day for UCD, so i've the prospectus here in front of me. Heres a bit of info on the degree course:

o Its located at a new facility on the Belfield campus (the main UCD campus)
o Additional teaching and research takes place 30km away at the Lyons farm.
o It is the ONLY remaining centre for veterinary education left in Ireland.
o Its a five year degree course.
o Additional to English, Irish, Maths and a third languague - prospective students MUST have achieved a minimum of a C3 on the higher level Chemistery paper for the Leaving Cert.
o There are 65 places on the course each year.
o Last years cut off points were 560!

thanks for the info on this .. so very low number of spots .. and extremely high points.. looks like a check of the secondary school curriculum would be required to include chemistry or else to take this on via grinds. Thanks for the help .