Banks Disclosing Information


Registered User
just wondering if anyone knows about:
i got my mother to make a lodgement into my bank account, before lodging the money, the teller printed off a mini statement, then lodged the money. she gave both m/s and receipt to my mum.

i called the bank and complained re giving out my personal info to strangers with no id (eg not me). their response was, (A we assumed it was you lodging the money, (B we don't look at the 'paid in by' section (C the teller in question has moved to africa, (D we never ask for id regarding lodgments or printout of info

they tried to blame my mum on asking for the info (i guarantee she didn't) and take the onus off themselves, also blamed me for giving out my bank details (eg anyone could access my acc with the details)

any idea if i have an rights here and what action i can take?
"any idea if i have an rights here and what action i can take?"

Very simple. Never ever ever ask your mother to do this again. That way the bank cannot ever divulge this information.

Or you could demand compensation from the bank for all the massive inconvenience, distress and breach of trust you feel you've suffered.

Or just get on with it. Have you actually suffered any loss here?


do they have the right to give out this information without confirming that it is the account holder? is there no customer privacy rights in place?

i feel i've suffered in the sense that i can't trust the bank to keep my info private and they could potentially give it to anyone that asks for it once they have an acc number.

i was under the assumption (maybe quite wrongly) that there was no harm in giving out acc number (obviously not to strangers) as they couldn't do anything with the info, eg only make lodgements.
Or just get on with it. Have you actually suffered any loss here?
I'd certainly be very unimpressed with a bank doing this. Do you not have any concern at a bank freely giving out account information to someone making a deposit? Every time you set up a direct debit, you have provided your account details. Based on the original post, someone with those details would be able to get all your banking details (assuming either that you bank at the same branch, or have an equally lax staff attitude where you do bank).
I'd have to echo MF1's sentiment...this is not something to be overly concerned with. AIB certainly give a mini receipt for lodgements which has a balance on it.
A lady with the same name as yours lodging money into an account isn't going to arouse much suspicion.
Every time you set up a direct debit, you have provided your account details.

Every cheque you write has your sort code and account number on it. Should you stop writing cheques? Sort code and account number aren't regarded as security information.
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