Banking - should we be worried too?


Registered User
In light of Lehmans going bust over the weekend and the financial difficulties many of the US banks have found themselves in should we (in Ireland) be worried about our financial institutions.

Have a lot of money with one particular one and am just wondering if it is advisable to spread it around?
In light of Lehmans going bust over the weekend
They've not gone bust. Yet. They are seeking Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection (like examinership in Ireland). It's still a possibility that they could come through this.
Have a lot of money with one particular one and am just wondering if it is advisable to spread it around?
Have you read the key post on the credit ratings of various banks and the different deposit protection schemes that apply? If you are nervous then stick the lot in Northern Rock for 5% and a 100% state guarantee from the UK government.