Bank ignoring court ruling to remove ex from mortgage.


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Any advice appreciated here.

I'll try and cut a long story short! Bought my home with my ex in 2006. We separated in early 2010. We have 2 children together.

Since separating he has never paid maintenance or contributed to the mortgage. He has never engaged with the bank, ever. He is from the UK and I'm assuming that's where he lives. He hasn't spoken to or seen the kids in over 3 years.

After we separated I began to fall into arrears with the mortgage. I engaged with the bank from the word go, even before it fell into arrears. And continued to over the next few years, still falling behind but always making an effort.

In 2014 it went to court... The county register saw from the very first date that I was making an effort. At this point myself and my partner were making full repayments. The bank requested an adjournment and another and another, with each one the penalties on arrears, along with legal fee's were mounting. On the fourth court date as my ex hadn't shown up and the bank had only served him 'non registered post' at his last know address! My home! The county registered warned the banks solicitor that if they had not made any headway in finding him that she would grant a final order against dependent no.1 in order for me dependent no.2 to have to power to negotiate with the bank!

At the next court date she ruled exactly that, along with putting a freeze on the penalties mounting on the arrears and removing the legal fees that had been applied to my account.

I was overjoyed!

Except the bank ignored it!

At the next court date the county register reiterated these rulings and struck out the case!

Yet the bank is still ignoring her ruling! They said she doesn't have the authority to do this. They are just looking for financial statements.

That's the bones of it! I have no idea what to do next??.

I represented myself all along btw

Thanks in advance