Balance transfers - the big catch?

Surely you signed something along the way in order to get a card? I can't believe that you never signed any agreement - whatever about reading it.

Just like to comment on what you said Clubman. When I got my first credit card, I telephoned MBNA on a Monday, and Tuesday morning they rang me at work to say I had the card, I was like 'what'! They asked me to sign nothing and I did not have to send in any statements. They asked me only two things (1) Where could they find a place on the internet that would verify the address of the company I work for. (I directed them to the Golden Pages and they were happy with that as they checked it while they spoke to me.) (2) I was down on the voters register at my Mums address, so they told me they would use that as my address and I could send in proof of address at a later stage if I wanted to change it. I found it a really strange process. It seemed like they used the net to research my suitability as a candidate.

As it happens I am applying for one of those 0% ICE cards from Bank of Scotland as I want to transfer a large balance to give me a couple of months to pay it off. The joys of splurging on a new house! I read about the deal with these 0% balance transfers and the way they work on AAM ages ago, so thankfully I know not to use the ICE until its paid!

Hi ,I also get blank cheques from MBNA which I shread. All financial institutions want to take as much money from you as they can and are not St. Vincent De Paul. Remember there is no such thing as a free lunch so dont think anyone can be smarter than the banks.