Aib have registered a bad debt with the ICB. I dont fully understand the consequences, or what actually happens from here once I have the bad debt.
No offence but if you could not manage your finances in the recent past would it not be better to spend some time rectifying the bad habits (e.g. by working as an employee and getting into the habit of saving some of your earnings etc.) instead of taking the plunge into starting your own business?
yes, I understand your point here. But I am now a lot more careful when it comes to money. I realise its value having lived abroad, and been on the breadlinemany times. Im 22, an before moving, I thought nothing about going out every weekend and blowing 200-300 euro on having a good weekend. Buying expensive clothes on my credit cards. I now realise where I want to go and what i want to do. I have a budget in place and stick to it.
Will they check my credit rating in ireland and England and what is the likely outcome.??
Who? The Canadian immigration authorities? The banks over there if/when you go about starting your own business?
I was merely asking here whether the canadian banks would look into my credit record in the UK or Ireland. Between us we have approx 80-100,000 canadian dollars to invest in the business. Im thinking we may need to borrow a further 100-150,000 canadian ndollars to get things up and running. My debt in the Uk, for 300 pound was from an overdraft I had, but when moving backf romthe UK forgot completely about. Eventually, IU was contacted by Natwest and told about the balance. They would not accept euro checks and while I was earnig , was stiull not earning enough to pay the balance off, what with credit card bills, loan bills etc etc coming in the door all the time...
Thank youfor your help and any other advice is greatly appreciated.