Back to School Clothing Allowance - To Apply Or Not?


Registered User
Hi - was wondering if it was worth our while applying for the Back To School Clothing Allowance this year.

We have 2 children - 10 year old and 8 year old.

Other half earns 430/week (take home) and I receive 115/week Jobseekers Allowance. Was told last year by CWO not to bother applying as we were over the threshold for a claim (back then I was on Illness Benefit at 188/week).

Can anybody advise at all??

As far as I'm aware the limits for 2013 are the same as last year.

The scheme details should be available on the welfare website after this weekend.

Edit: The scheme details are now available here:

When your OH's income is means-tested, the assessment looks at the gross salary less PRSI and a travel allowance of up to €20 pw rather than the take-home pay