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I'm hoping someone has some experience with this.

My husband was made redundant last summer and has applied to do the post grad in primary school teaching.

He submitted his BTEA application when he was on JB for nine months.
Now he has received a letter saying he has two weeks left on JB and when he asked about his BTEA application he was told that as the course starts two weeks after his JB runs out he is not elligible.

I'm perplexed by this. Most courses start in Sep. So does that mean unless you are made redundant in the previous Sep, Oct or November you can never satisfy the BTEA crtieria ie be on JB nine months before applying and course starting before 12 months are up?? When the required time on SW was 12 months before applying, does that effectively mean that it was impossible to ever the BTEA if you were on JB, as JB runs out as soon as you were allowed to apply.

He won't be elligible for JA as I am working, but he BTEA is not means tested.

Is what we're being told correct?