Baby Buggy


Registered User
My wife and I are currently looking at baby buggies - all in one travel systems.
We re contemplating the Graco Travel System range, any thoughts?

We would also like to know if you can recommend any other brand that would be ideal to purchase, and also where you purchased it from as in UK or Ireland etc.

Thanks everyone!
Graco is a good range....Others are also good, but a bit expensive as their quality is the same.....Graco is handy
We looked at teh Graco 4 months ago and were about to purchase as the price looked great. But on closer examination and advise from friends who had children we decided against it.

The main reasons being it is quiet heavy and you will be putting this in an out of the car allot.

also teh one we saw is big and has 4 wheels which makes it a bit awkward in tight spaces.

in teh end we bought a quinny buzz, its more expensive but we are very happy with it
Bought a M&P 5 years ago. Quality excellent but takes up a lot of space in boot. Would look at the Quinny ones if we were buying again.
We bought a bugaboo 2 years ago in Kings in Armagh. Excellent pram bought the maxi cosi car seat that fits on to the pram.
we have icandy cherry... very thankful to it...bought in rl.. very comfortable, very light and relatively compact and easy to close up.. (beware there is an i candy apple and i found it nearly impossible to fold so didnt buy that)

have also a cheap maclaren for the odd flight as couldnt take the icandy cherry for free on flights... that folds up great but worthwhile to read recent articles on maclaren recalls in the states where kids injured whilst units were being folded....