


Subject: FW: the Beatitudes

THE Beatitudes according to Saint Bertie.

Bertie led his followers , wealthy farmers, despised tax
collectors, building speculators, and rich merchants up a high
mountain, where they paused to rest. He addressed them in these words;

Look around you,my disciples. All this I give to those of you
who worship me. The people are lost sheep, and we come among them, like wolves among lambs.This is our appointed hour.

Verily I say to you;-

Blessed are the young people, who have been priced out of the home ownership market, by corruption, nepotism, stroke politics, well connected builders and land speculators.

Blessed are the salaried,- who labour without profit; who pay
70% of the price of motor fuel in government tax; who suffer the highest vehicle purchase taxes in Europe; the highest alcoholic drink taxes; the highest V.A.T.taxes; stealth taxes of every kind; new rubbish taxes; water taxes(pending); road toll taxes; private V.H.I.taxes; credit card taxes, and all this, after 42% income tax ,is first deducted at source.!

Blessed are those who walk in the countryside for recreation,
and are hindered and persecuted; blocked by the barbed wire
fences of landowners and farmers, who take vast sums of the
common peoples taxes, throughout the E.U. Empire,- and give
nothing back in return.

Blessed are the Anglers who wait all day by the lakeside and
catching nothing! Their stocks are destroyed, their labours
wasted. Patiently they endure agricultural pollution, nitrate
poisoning and legalized drift net fishing by rich men in the
coastal estuaries.

Blessed are those who endure lawlessness, greed, and anarchy, all around them. those who are the victims of crime; illegal dumping; illegal quarrying; ribbon road development ; "one off houses"; section 140 motions, where houses are built and quickly sold off in the speculative frenzy of the times.

Cursed are the civil servants who are passed over for
promotion, because of their refusal to obey my law and
de-centralize themselves. I shall scatter them ,and their
families, and their descendents, across the land of Erin to
occupy the new houses and offices built by my Elect;- Martin

Blessed are those who shun the local councils. Watch how they act, these councilors,- always full of their own importance; purporting to represent the common people while in reality rezoning lands for one another's advantage; doing deals in dark corridors where money changes hands; profiting themselves at every opportunity; grasping and greedy -like pigs; travelling to foreign places and living in luxury hotels; ever feeding from the public trough -and on the public purse, while constantly devising new ways to tax wheelie-bins, and the poor alike.

Blessed are those who suffer the injustice of elected leaders
who have abused the trust placed upon them by the people.
Blessed are those who must evermore witness the spectacle of arrogant criminals - full of bluff and bluster - strutting
defiantly before the Courts, and justifying themselves
daily to the Sanhedrim, in Dublin Castle.

Blessed are the victims of penalty points for minor
infringements, and ludicrously low speed limits; -while drunken
drivers nightly traverse our highways and fill the car parks of
public drinking places with impunity.

Cursed now, are those who have sent their wealth to foreign
lands ,or falsely colluded with rich bankers to avoid the tax
collectors - for they shall wish they had never been born.!

Blessed are the motorists, who?s only sin is to linger 5 minutes beyond their appointed time ,at a council parking place. Theirs is the indignity of having their car clamped, towed away, and an outrageously disproportionate fine levied, by arrogant councilors.

Blessed are those who cherish our ancestral burial grounds, and all traces of our rich culture, history,and heritage; - though it shall be laid waste, in my generation.

Another Cuchulainn has arisen, in the South. His laws will be
all powerful. His army of mechanized chariots will desolate the
land and destroy all before it.

All this must come to pass.

But I tell you truly, you need not despair. Now is your hour of
darkness. Now is your time of suffering. The Soldiers Of Destiny will sift you like wheat, with your own money.

All this you will suffer for my sake. But your reward will be
great in Heaven.

This is the Word of Bertie.
Whats this doing in the Craic? it should be in the money section, there is little to laugh at!!!

now getting hit with a turnip, that is funny!! Nice one LA