Home Aviva Home Insurance - Cork area


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anyone else almost get a heart attack on opening the renewal notice? Mother (Mayfield) got her renewal notice yesterday. No claims in past 6 years, but premium gone from €400 odd to €1100 odd. Sister (Bishopstown) told me that hers is gone from €500 odd to €1300 odd.
I heard not so long ago that Aviva placed a minimum of a 40% increase (on top of increases alraedy in place) on all areas of Cork City and surrounding areas as they were over exposed in the area.

This has resulted in other companies increasing rates substantially or planning to do for renewals which will be seen in the next month or two. New business increases arealready in place
I think subsidence claims are the big problem in cork area. I would suggest you dont allow existing policy to lapse as you may not be able to get cheaper cover elsewhere and perhaps your existing insurer may refuse to renew cover as the policy is now lapsed
I would second the advice to not let your existing policy lapse. Cork insurers have been hit with claims about subsidence and flooding and are reluctant to expose themselves to further payouts as far as I can see. We bought a house this year in Cork City and it was very difficult to get insurance.