AVC's not performing / selecting a fund risk related with IRISH LIFE

Getting a client out of 'bad' (e.g. very active, high fees) funds have expected future value.
Indeed but @Dave K is arguing that "a higher AMC will be worth it if the client gets a much better return".

That doesn't sound like an adviser that is laser focused on getting clients out of expensive funds.

The two greatest enemies of the equity fund investor are expenses and emotions.


At times yes I may recommend a client to switch a fund, maybe de-risk for a period of time etc.

...suggests belief in an ability to time markets, something that has been proven countless times to be a counter-productive exercise in the long-term.
An advisor can add value in excess of the differential between the cheap passive option and the active fund. But not on the investment side, more in terms of making the investor ‘stay in the course’ and in terms of navigating the planning side of things.