Avant switching to Mastercard


Registered User
Got a letter yesterday advising of this upcoming switch from Visa.
Not too familiar with Mastercard and wonder if I should move companies and continue with Visa.
Any thoughts welcome.
I have a Debit Mastercard with N26. It has always worked anywhere I have tried it, so I dont think you will have any problems with a Mastercard Credit Card.

I also have a Avantcard CC. They havent written to me yet. They must be changing them on a phased basis.
There might be other reasons to switch card provider, but I wouldn't let a Visa Vs MasterCard distinction drive decision. Unless you're travelling to obscure countries it's extremely unlikely that you'd notice any difference as a cardholder.

Just if you do switch bank, make sure you follow the process to avoid paying stamp duty twice fir the same year.
If you stay with Avant make sure you transfer any regular payments to the new card, an annual travel insurance direct debit for example.

I have also received notification of the change. Apparently, the new cards will facilitate contactless payments (not sure I even want them tbh). I assume Avantcard have negotiated a better deal with Mastercard, hence the move, but I can't see customers getting any benefit (i.e. by way of a rate reduction, or introduction of a rewards scheme, or other new benefits).

If you stay with Avant make sure you transfer any regular payments to the new card, an annual travel insurance direct debit for example.

That's a good point and in fairness, not something customers should have to deal with .. but no doubt we all will !

The new Mastercards will no doubt have new card numbers, so that's a bit of an inconvenience and then there's things like having to set up new online passwords for secure online payments (assuming Mastercard have the same additional layer of protection that Visa have for online transactions).
I have two accounts with Avant for years, one is a Visa and one Mastercard, never noticed any difference in usage between them.