Assistant playschool leader - hourly rate


Registered User
Hi there

I help out on the committee of the local playscool.

With the new ECCE scheme, we now have to employ an assistant playschool leader.

I am looking for guidance on the hourly rate.

We are in a rural area, the playschool has approx 25 children.

The information online seems to relate to the Dublin area which would be too high for where we are.

The person we are looking to employ is in their mid twenties.

Any body have any experience of the payscales in this industry?

The leader is on approx €15 per hour and so we were thinking of a starting point of €9.60 - €9.80, is this too low?

Thanks for your help
I am involved as you are on a committee but we have pre-school and afterschool and it would have a large number of children. My experience is that you should not try to pay the lowest rate possible as staff will keep leaving this causes lots of ripples first for the children under the care of the pre-school and also for the committee so I would say €10 at minimum or €10.50 as it is quite a responsible job
Thanks for your reply.

I had a feeling that 9.50 would be too low.

We are very lucky with the staff, they all have been there for a long time.

I remember you posted a query ref the accounts software for the playschool. I meant to reply but didnt get a chance.

We have tailored spreadsheets which are easy to use, but as I said we are a small playschool.
