asking for a friend about a garda stop...


Registered User
If I have had a couple of pints before a gaa match" and drive afterwards and this meant I could be just above the legal limit and was flashed by a couple of cars coming towards me and I turned my car around.

Would this constitute evading a garda checkpoint, even though I had not seen said checkpoint?

Just asking for a friend :D
How fast can you think up a valid reason for turning around? I'm presuming a gard saw the flashing by the oncoming cars followed by a u-turn.

"I didn't know why the cars were flashing, but it made me realise I'd left my driving license in the other car, and was going home to fetch it.," Obviously only works if the u-turn gets you heading back home
How fast can you think up a valid reason for turning around? I'm presuming a gard saw the flashing by the oncoming cars followed by a u-turn.

"I didn't know why the cars were flashing, but it made me realise I'd left my driving license in the other car, and was going home to fetch it.," Obviously only works if the u-turn gets you heading back home
Is "I just realised I left my fully licenced accompanying driver in the Pub" a valid reason?
This is why it is important to issue ministers with drivers trained in the art of evading checkpoints.
If your friend had been a minister at the time, this whole issue could have been avoided.
"Your honour I thought the flashing lights indicated that there was an accident ahead, and that the road was blocked."
not clear from this if your friend is on a full or provisional licence, if the latter, they obviously could have asked the fully qualified driver in the passenger seat for advice. ;)