Askaboutmoney needs a few bob...

Sue Ellen

Costs of running Askaboutmoney in 2012

Askaboutmoney needs a few bob please

As the running costs for AAM are regularly on the rise, the Mods, and I'm sure all users, realise that it's not fair to leave the total burden to Brendan Burgess. The cost of running askaboutmoney is about €2,200 per year, so if 100 people donate €25 each, that will comfortably cover the costs. Of course, feel free to donate less, or more, or nothing at all.
I'm sure most people would have to agree, that AAM has saved them a few bob here and there over the years.
The costs of running askaboutmoney are being discussed Here

You can avoid Paypal charges transferring money directly into the following account. Please put your user name into the " message for recipient" box. If you wish to remain anonymous, just put in AAM donation
Brendan Burgess
AIB 52 Upper Baggot Street
Sort code 931063
Account number 35797273

But if you prefer, you may use the PayPal by clicking on the "Make a Donation" button at the bottom of the page

Sue Ellen.
Hosting, management and back-up|€2060 |£1648
vBulletin license|€100 |can't find the actual bill, but it was about this
Total running costs|€2,160

Net donations|€2,753|net of €114 paypal fees

As the annual hosting bill will be coming up for renewal shortly, I have reopened the donations banner.

Direct payments into my bank account save on the Paypal commissions.
Hi Time

It's a lifetime license, but I think I pay around $100 a year for support and updates.

I think I also paid some more to remove the vBulletin logo from Askaboutmoney.
You are making a profit running the website plus it helps your profile in the media as you have definitely been asked to contribute on the panel on the frontline so not bad really! Not bad for the costs involved. Were you paid to be a contributor on the frontline as the founder of askaboutmoney? If you were then don't think donations necessary. If not then no objections!
You are making a profit running the website plus it helps your profile in the media as you have definitely been asked to contribute on the panel on the frontline so not bad really! Not bad for the costs involved. Were you paid to be a contributor on the frontline as the founder of askaboutmoney? If you were then don't think donations necessary. If not then no objections!

Ah hilarious, good one!! :D (I'm giving you the benefit of doubt that your post was purely facetious rather than delusional...)
AAM is a great resource however.....

Brendan informed me recently in no uncertain terms that the governance of this website is founded on an Autocratic basis. Brendan decides the policy and anyone who doesn't like it can suck it up.(my words not his)

In the end of the day AAM is a community of contributors and the success or failure of the site is largely down to those contributors
I for one would like to see the policies set, with reference to the democratic views of all the community and not just one person.

Unless that changes, I would not be keen to make a financial contribution to AAM.

Yes, AAM is a community but guess who gets sued if someone says the wrong thing?
It was neither. Brendan runs the site and gets good publicity as the owner of the site.

And how much per hour do you think Brendan is garnering from his running of the site?!

A surplus of €593 last year, and he probably spends a substantial chunk of his time on here - a conservative estimate would be 15hours a week, call it 48 weeks a year, that's 720 hours a year... works out at 82 cent per hour... (if he was keeping the money for himself, which I'm sure he doesn't!).

Nice work if you can get it - not! :rolleyes:

The bottom line for me is, if I feel the site is a valuable resource to me (regardless of whether I agree with it being an autocracy), then I'll be happy to make a small contribution to ensure it remains available as a resource to me.

As for it raising Brendan's media profile, so what, that's a consequence of the success of the site, rather than his purpose in creating it. There are plenty of "commentators" who do the rounds between all the various types of media, should he reject invitations to air his views just because he runs a popular website voluntarily aided by donations from users?!

And I highly doubt he was paid to go on Frontline!
Why not run a few banner ads like do and make a few bob out of it, thus paying the annual fee?

Don't think many members would mind.
This is one of the most civilised and informative discussion websites anywhere- so many others are full of insults,bickering and very little information. Am happy to give a few bob.
AAM is a great independent resource. I've learnt a huge amount from this website and continue to do so. I have also saved quite a bit of money and time by posting questions here and simply by searching previous threads. For one example alone, I don't think I would ever have heard of car hire excess insurance had I not read about it here- only recently I saved about 200 euro on this alone. I don't always agree with Brendan but I do admire him and/or the website and I have always contributed and will continue to do so. In fact I wouldn't mind ads or Brendan making a profit but that is his choice and we are all the richer for it IMO.
I think it's fantastic that AAM has somebody who is willing to be its voice - Brendan.

Many people have made wonderful contributions here over the past 13 odd years. Some of those have come on board as a consequence of Brendan's activities in the media.

The "profit" is, I have no doubt, in the AAM a/c as a buffer to meet the expenses as they arise.

I am also happy to make a contribution this year to what is a wonderful site and I am proud to be part of it.

Thank you Brendan.

I'll be 'standing my round' so to speak, as has been mentioned most people save lots by being on here my own case think of all the therapy bills I've dodged by getting it off my chest here!!

As someone involved in administering an amateur sports club it really annoys me when people who gets loads from the club are so reluctant to pay their way to help keep things going (& they know full well that the club is only scraping by) - so this is an online club, if some few bob doesnt go in then it shuts.

A few points - would you consider selling advertising?, see for unobtrusive ads, and I dont think objectivity would be compromised. Does 2k sound like a lot for hosting? (ok its not a simple site but have you shopped around? ... was it Joan Burton taught us that one:))
€593 profit Brendan !!!
Are you going to splash out on new tyres for your bicycle !!
Securicor escorting you home?

'You are making a profit'.
For someone who has posted over 18000 times, never mind PM's, emails, meetings, phone calls and the rest, I wouldn't begrudge you profit of €593.
Not that it sits in your wallet. I'm sure you rubbed your hands with glee and thought of the new tyres... maybe even new brake pads!!

It's hardly a profit given the time you put into the site.
I'd say you must be 'working' on the site for what? A third of a cent per post!!

'it helps your profile in the media'
That is the general aim of a consumer organisation - to boost awareness.

Lads I know this country is full of begrudgers but seriously..?
€593 profit and the knives are out..

Banner ads, popups - Please NOOOOOOOOOOO!
i dont post here much but i read a lot of the threads that are on here.ill make a donation no problem but il be in the 5 10euro area as iam poor