Appropriate approach to someone driving at 90kph in the middle lane of the Naas Rd?

No, we've been told that cars have been stopped doing this. We have not been told that drivers have been fined or prosecuted.

I agree 100%
Ahhh.... now it all becomes clear.....

I think the prolonged debate within this thread is actually a result of the same point being argued from different directions.

It could be people not really reading what's being written.
I've been making that point (about it being safer and legal staying where you are rather than moving across three lanes and back again) for ages (and pages).
It could be people not really reading what's being written.
I've been making that point (about it being safer and legal staying where you are rather than moving across three lanes and back again) for ages (and pages).

All your opinion just to be clear
I think the prolonged debate within this thread is actually a result of the same point being argued from different directions.

You mean some were talking about going to Naas and others were talking about going to Dublin?
All I know is that I’m having great fun posting on this thread

Huh? I'd like to know the rules of the road, and my knowledge is getting worse with each posting. To figure out this thread the other day I had to take a piece of paper and draw cars on it, put in 3 lanes and the middle bit and work out the side of the road and who drive where and in what direction. My kids have a carpet road thingy that you play pretend drivers on, that would probably have worked better but it doesn't have motorways nor dual carriageways. But it would have felt more real as I found it hard going working it all out on paper. Paper is fine for figures but not so much good for understanding driving.

I was thinking it might be a good idea is someone on here put up images so we could all understand. With cars passing out etc. You could have the purple car seeing as you're central to the story being the worst bad driver on here.

Take your kids carpet road thingie and place the purple car in the left most lane (the driving lane). Imagine that car is travelling at 95kmph.
Place another car in the middle lane, that car can be any colour.
Now imagine the car in the middle lane is moving slowly, say at 80kmph. I know they shouldn’t be there but they are.
There’s other cars on the road, but not too many, so place a few cars in the right most lane as well. Imagine they are driving at 100kmph.

Now, the purple car catches up with the slow moving car in the middle lane. What does the driver do?
Does he;
a) Continue to drive along in his lane at 95kmph, passing the car in the middle lane.
b) Slow down, change lanes into the middle lane, behind the slow moving car. Then change lanes again, into the right most lane. Then, having passed the car in the middle lane, change lanes again moving into the middle lane in front of the slow moving car. Then change lanes again, back into the left most lane where he started.

I’m arguing that option A is safer and legal.
I don’t think making unnecessary manoeuvres, i.e. changing lanes 4 times, is the safest option.

I’m also arguing that “overtaking” is when you change lanes to pass a car in the same lane as you rather than passing a car in a different lane, i.e. it requires a manoeuvre. If you read any description of how to overtake it will talk about indicating and changing lanes.
Oh Dear we go again............

Purple have you even read what has been posted previously????

If you have, (and I strongly suspect you have) how can you possibly claim what you do is legal???
I feel like a Troll, having started a row and not contributing myself.

Legally - A

What we should do - Lane 1 -> Lane 2 (Flash lights twice) -> Lane 3 (quick beep) -> Lane 2 -> Lane 1 (Look in rear view mirror and see driver look confused while continuing in Lane 2)

Think that this is the approach.

I have since found out that you can "drive" in the fourth lane on a motorway ie a long slip road as its deemed to be a lane of its own, so if you are leaving the M50 you can get over to the slip lane early instead for crossing 4 lanes to exit. Don't think the Boyz in Blue would look favourably on someone moving out to lane 2 though.

Happy Motoring everyone, was driving the #scoobydoo on the M50 today in the sunshine and AC/DC was playing, people could have been driving in any lane they wanted it was a lovely day.
Oh Dear we go again............

Purple have you even read what has been posted previously????

If you have, (and I strongly suspect you have) how can you possibly claim what you do is legal???

I've read what's you have posted and I have read the rules of the road. There is a specific section in the rules of the road about overtaking on a motorway. It specifically says that you should only overtake on the right the text is;

Overtake only on the right, unless traffic is travelling in slow moving queues and the traffic queue on your right is travelling more slowly than you are.

In the next sentence it goes on to talk about overtaking saying;

If you intend to move from a slower lane to a faster lane, adjust your speed first.

Then it says;

Before you start to overtake, remember 'mirror, signal, mirror, manoeuvre', and look in your blind spots. Check that the way is clear (behind and ahead) and signal well in advance.

Now tell me, if everything above talks about changing lanes in the context of overtaking, and specifically states that you are performing a manoeuvre when you are overtaking, telling you to “remember 'mirror, signal, mirror, manoeuvre'”... why do you still insist that staying in the lane you are in and driving within the speed limit constitutes overtaking? Your whole argument is constructed on a false premise.

Finally understanding this thread, I think, it was much easier with the kids and certainly far better than the effort I made on paper. I can categorically state that a) is the safest and legalist option and my kids agree.

Maybe Purple you could do the experiment in real life on a quiet Sunday with the other posters who disagree with you on the Naas motorway and then we could have some concrete conclusions and persuade the other posters that they're misunderstanding the rules of the road. They do that sculky racing on the motorways down in Limerick on a Sunday so I reckon it must be a safe time for the experiment. Before noon as nothing seems to move in Ireland before then.

It's amazing how so many people can get things so wrong. Maybe they're ignorant because they started driving before we had motorways.

Joe 90 I know what AC/DC is but what is a Scooby Doo (yes I know the cartoon dog but my kids make plaits out of a thing they call scooby doos - long strings of plastic that they twist)
#scoobydoo aka Subaru

Of course, how did I not know that. (Bronte will now google a Subaru - no I won't coz I at least know it's a make of car. And therefore no interest at all). But it's probably good to know that's what they are called by the experts. I actually thought you meant some kind of motor bike.

Jeez Purple you're like a dog with a bone! Why, oh why would any website give you instructions on how to overtake where no manoeuvre is required? Don't you understand that everything you are reading is intended as a guideline on how to safely overtake where a manoeuvre is required? What would be the point of giving guidelines to overtake by simply remaining in your lane? "Keep driving straight ahead, yes that's it, go on keep going, ok now you have overtaken that car, keep going..."! Show me any legal definition of overtaking stating that overtaking only occurs where changing lanes is required and I will gladly eat humble pie but stop quoting guidelines on how to overtake safely as if they are a definition of overtaking.

RSA website on overtaking (first point);

How to overtake safely

Make sure the road ahead is clear so you have enough distance to allow you to overtake and get back to your own side of the road without forcing any other road user to move to avoid you.

It doesn’t say anything about passing in the next lane but you consider that overtaking.
It doesn’t say anything about sticking your backside out the window either, is that overtaking as well?
LOL Purple - what is the first line in your quote from the RSA website! It isn't "Definition of overtaking" is it! Thanks for proving my point!