Applegreen/Dunnes Stores Rewards.


Registered User
I joined up to Applegreen's rewards. So whenever I bought petrol I handed in my card and I assumed I was receiving reward points. Every so often I would get an email telling me that I had so many points. I notice however that my points do not seem to be accumulating. Anybody else notice this?

The other day I received an email from Applegreen telling me that they are scrapping their existing rewards and introducing some new type of rewards system. I decided to have a look to see what I could spend my reward points on. Absolutely nothing of interest. They must have the worst offerings of items on which to spend rewards.

I can't even buy petrol, a cup of coffee, a cake, car wash etc......

Yesterday I bought my petrol in Circle K and felt good about it.

Incidentally I also stopped using my Dunnes Stores €10 off per €50 spend and went back to shopping in different supermarkets....and I am enjoying the experience...

Anyone else?
I don't buy AppleGreen diesel anymore. I do shop in Dunnes and get points and the €10 off vouchers at the till. The points got me €5 in cash off vouchers in the post. A recent shop of €72 cost me €57, which is pretty good value as I'm careful what I buy.
I found that in SuperValu if my bill was about 30euro, I'd then top up with 2 bottles of wine to get 10e off 50..but I found that if there's wine in the house I just drink it so I'd end up drinking more than I normally would! So I've stopped doing that.. super valu used to do 5e off 30 or 8e off 40 & that was much better for me.
Incidentally I also stopped using my Dunnes Stores €10 off per €50 spend and went back to shopping in different supermarkets....and I am enjoying the experience...

You may be enjoying the experience of shopping in the other supermarkets but is it costing you more ??
I used my Applegreen rewards to get vouchers off my Airtricity bill, when I recently switched to them. Had €40 worth accumulated over the past 2-3 years so was happy enough with that.

The reason your points probably didn't accumulate much is because of Applegreen's policy of using all your points to send out a €5 voucher before Christmas, regardless of how many points you had. This was unsolicited and you had to post the voucher back if you wanted to keep your points.
I recently switched to shopping on line and getting it delivered. I am finding in the few weeks that I have been doing it that I am spending less on the big shop and making less frequent trips to the shops in between. I also am saving 2 hours of my time as we are in the country so to drive to/from and do shop was taking at the least that amount of time. other house hold tasks are being done in that time. I'll give it a few months and see if we are making an overall saving.
I find with the €10 off the €50 spend I am always struggling to spend the last €10 to €15 of my €50 spend. I have presses full of alcohol that I don't usually drink. Toilet rolls, bleach, washing up liquids etc are spilling from cupboards. I take a break from time to time and use up what I have before I get involved again.
I agree with the comment about AppleGreen. Awful offers.