Anyone tried E cloths?


Registered User
Just saw these in a shop recently and was wondering if they're any good. They're cloths that are made of some fibre that means you don't have to use any cleaning agents, just water. They're supposed to be especially good for cleaning stainless steel

Just wondering if they're any good before forking out for one as they're not cheap.
I can recommend them highly. For a start get the 2 pack Kitchen/Bathroom pack, green and blue. The green is for general cleaning and the blue works like a dream on mirrors, glass and chrome. You don't use any chemicals, just plain water.

The cloths are made from a microfibre type of cloth. To use the blue one on glass, you just rinse the cloth in water, wring it out and wipe your window or glass table top - as you wipe you turn over different parts of the cloth, then leave. No streaks! I've had some for years.The cloths may be used on worktops,all hard surfaces but are especially effective on glass, chrome and stainless steel - leaves the taps looking like new.

You can buy them online at their website, on eBay, Arnotts or Stock, probably loads of other places as well, but these are the ones I've used. Excellent for anybody with allergies. They're well worth the price - just think of the savings you make on chemical cleaners plus they're environmentally friendly. God, I sound like an ad for them, but seriously don't hesitate to buy.
My mother used to get a friend to bring back cloths like that when she went to Germany. I'm not sure of the brand but they looked the exact same and were used only with water. She used to pay around €15 each for them afaik. She used to swear by them but lately I noticed that she has just been using the regular microfibre cloths that you can get almost anywhere for a lot less. I think the main reason was that after a while they get a bit grubby and are expensive to be buying on a reguar basis.

Sorry for the vagueness of my post - I'll ask her tonight what the name of them was and how she found them and report back tomorrow.
Note what you say about them getting grubby - you can either (a) boil them (b) put them in water in the microwave for a few minutes. I have also bought the cheap ones but they are not as effective imo :)

Have the green & blue ones and the special brush type handle for them if using on windows etc. Work brill. Also have one of this type (different brand though) which is while and works great on car. Once wash car with plain water & dry, use the cloth and any residual grittiness just goes leaving totally smear free and smooth finish.

Heatons have some cheap ones in the car section but not sure if they're as good as the originals.
The ones I saw were in the Avoca shop. There's lots of different types but they seemed to be in the €7-12 range. A lot for a cloth but if you don't need any cleaning solution and they work I guess its not too bad.
Someone said you can get them in Arnotts too.