Anyone Know Where is the Best Place to buy Bottles of Spirit


not an alco


We are having a get together in our house in a few weeks, and I want to get in a good few bottles of spirits for it (ie whiskey, gin, Baileys, etc). Not being a normal drinker of these I was wondering if anyone knew of a cheap place to get my hands on these.

I'm know it would be dirt cheap to get them on the continent but that is not an option for me, so was wondering if there was someplace in the greater Dublin area, or over the net?

Cheap Spirits

Shoot up to Newry or anywhere cross-border if you intend buying booze, liquor or beers.
cheap spirits up north

If you are considering going up north for drink you could check out the sainsbury s website first and check out their special offers in drinks or you could email Curleys also in newry to see what deals they have in drink that week Also if you are buying in sainsburys bring euro with you as they give a better deal on the exchange rate than if you were to change your money with the banks.