Anyone having problems with BT billing for broadband?

Carpenter said:
<>: does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 550 unknown user
Giving up on

Should I worry?
I noticed a picture of somebody other than Bill listed as CEO of BT Ireland in the supplement with today's Indo. Maybe Bill has moved on...
Thanks Lauren: 4 days have duly elapsed and needless to say no further response. I think 40 days might pass and the result will be the same. However armed with the information I now have, off I jolly well will go and tilt at this particular windmill. I know its only a difference of €15 per month for the first 4 months but its the principal. if tesco say all drink is €xxxx off tomorrow then you expect them to honour their word. same applies here.
Good luck! I await my next bill with the same keen anticipation I normally hold for a visit to the dentist!
I made a formal complaint to BT, by email on 9th November. 1 week later a received a reply which promised a full and prompt response. A further week later I requested an update...twice. Heard nothing so I sent another complaint by snail mail on Monday 28th. 3 weeks today and no meaningful response other than a complaint reference number and promises. If I don't hear anything by Friday I'm going to refer the matter to ComReg. The lack of even the basic courtesy to reply to my mails is very frustrating. Has anyone any experience of dealing with ComReg?
BTW thanks for some of the PMs I've received in relation to BT. Just to update on this, I've had no response from BT this week so I'm going to make an official complaint to ComReg this weekend. It shouldn't have to come to this but by my reckoning I'm owed a couple of hundred euro by BT and I don't tolerate sh*t customer service! I'll keep you posted, for the benefit of other BT customers........
not yet ready to go down your road carpenter, but I will if need be, in my case the only overcharging they are capable of is by charging me the full €40 for bb+line rental per month when they advertise the first 4 months at €25 so the difference will only be a total of €60. but if they dont get their act together I will switch calls over the another operator. I am going to print off my first bill and also the offer from their site and will if necessary take it up with comreg. I am also keeping a copy of emails and responses'
ps I have heard that anyone using Eircom broadband or in BT's case Eircom supplied bb that they are going to double the download speeds in January. anyone else hear this?
Just to update- finally someone from BT contacted me at work yesterday and they assure me this is being actively investigated. I've been promised an email detailing the problem and a solution this week, followed by a call to see if I'm happy. In addition to recouping monies I'm owed I plan to seek return of the BB self installation charge as a goodwill gesture. I'll keep you all updated!
I have BT Ireland broadband (the "plus" product)

Without getting into details I can say that their very method of operation is confusing

-no paper bills
-charged to me bimonthly (yet they advertise the price as monthly)
I have been overbilled by Esat Bt for my broadband account...............
it all started when I noticed that a deduction of Euros 326 was made on my bank account, I queried this with the bank and the payment was stopped,

Esat Bt then informed me that I owned them Euros 598 which they sent me on a statement, looking at the statement I realised that I had been billed Euros 119 montly for an internet broadband but they were sending me statements saying it was Euros 119 for every two months. After numerous phone calls getting nowhere I made a formal complaint with Comreg and Esat BT admitted that they had overcharged me.

Thanks to the nice people in Comreg, Esat Bt send me a letter saying that I was due a refund of Euros 1134 + vat to be credited to me account, I told them I wanted a check and I am still waiting..... but then they send me a bill saying I now owed them Euros 925 which I cannot understand where they got this figure from..

the really funny thing was last week Esat Bt rang me to tell me that I had a shared phoneline with Eircom and would not be able to have broadband, I told the woman that I was already on BT broadband. the saga continues

Esat Bt are the pits but in the new year its back to Eircom.(I was hoping to get my refund first)
Lauren said:
Has anyone actually signed up for a deal and been billed properly for it?
I'd like to know the answer to this too. I'm close to getting BB and the BT deal looks like the best one available but the billing sounds like trouble.
Only go for it if you are willing to spend up to an hour on the phone every two months to try and get it sorted out!
Or put all queries in writing, as I suggested . Less time-consuming, and inevitably more effective...
jolly eircom how now joined in the merry go round. got my eircom bill yesterday and its quite easy to see where the cut of point for calls occurred 05/11. also no rental shown on page 2. however as i was on talktime 2 (31.99 pm) I am getting a bill for two months talktime ( dec/jan) plus the calls up to 05/11. I assumed that when I left Eircom for line rental etc that they would cease billing me for it but I obviously have to inform them that I have jumped ship even though its pretty obvious from the phone calls and line rental on page 2. Page 1 of course has charges including rental and those few calls. Will contact them tomorrow and see if I can sort it out. If I can't I will pay for the calls and leave the line rental unpaid. Can't see where they can cut me off for unpaid line rental when I dont rent the line from them anymore. anyone else have this little scenario?
where to start? rang eircom today and got a very helpful lady who absolutely assured me I was STILL an Eircom customer. checked out my complaint that I was now a BT BB+line rental customer and she stated that not alone was I an Eircom customer there was no indication from BT that they were in the process of 'taking over' the line rental. Rang Bt and naturally didnt get through but pushed one of those buttons where they call you back when they are free. this was around 11am this morning. by 3.30pm hadn't called back so I tried again and this time got through. very pleasant male informed me that a) I had only bb at present but that line rental would follow - by the next account he was sure. told him I wasn't a happy bunny getting two bills for line rental from two different companies and into the bargain didnt get the 4 months introductory offer for lr+bb. He then informed me that I didn't get the introductory offer because --- I was only on BB!!I asked him how much bb was on its own and he said €30 I then asked him how come I was billed for almost €80 for two months when it was only €30 per month. Stated that NORMALLY bt charge in advance but because of ????? I was billed for €9 for October!!! ( bb commenced sometime in November). assured me that by the next account everything would be sorted out. Around 4pm phone rings and lo and behold its BT customer service ringing back about my earlier call ( 11am). I decided not to tell this operator about the previous call at around 3.30pm and went over the details again. Turns out I am not even down for line rental, admitted this had happened to a 'number' of internet bookings and put me through to another section where I had to give all details again, name, address, mothers maiden name, credit card number etc etc. THEN was forwarded to a 'verification agency' who informed me that they were NOT bt but were employed by bt to verify my details etc. back to bt who now informed me that my bb+lr would be sorted in about 3 weeks time. conclusion : a) the jolly ship that is BT is clearly not in ship shape order.b) the operator I dealt with at 3.30 was clearly telling porkies about being sorted out by next billing period. I have no problem sticking with it, keeping a log/dates/details etc and if and when necessary I will go to comreg with them. I will revert here in a few months when we are further down the road - or not as they case may well be.

Without getting into details my situation with BT is IDENTICAL to yours! I am waiting on a final bill from eircom before I sit down to work out how much BT owe me (they've made a miserable settlement offer- €88) and I'll probably go to ComReg as well. I'd be prepared to forget the whole thing if they's left it at an even €100 but no, "that's not standard policy" HA!

Carpenter: I have a hard copy of their original terms printed off which unfortunately I cannot locate at this moment. I can't print it off again either as I upgraded to xp in the meantime and all my previous emails were wiped clean in the upgrade. Must have a look for it again. It just states that I have agreed to sign up for bb+line rental, though to talk to their operators on Friday you would never guess this. I suspect that any day now I will be slapped with a new bill for bb+line rental without any credit for the payment they have already taken from my credit card. If it comes to say March/April and I am not sorted out I will contact comreg and the small claims court. but in the meantime I will wait and see what happens next. Odd thing is their bb is quite good and their tech support which I needed to get started were very efficient. ( again had to do with changing to xp and certain files getting wiped) Maybe BT were sent to keep our little grey cells in tip top working order!
I've decided to park the issue until sometime in the new year also, in the meantime I'm enjoying the benefits of a good broadband service so all is not lost! But I've a feeling it will be necessary to resort to ComReg in the end.
does anyone have firm info on how the BT speeds and limits are going to increase by in January as queried by cuchulainn earlier, BB+ in particular, tks