Anyone got any good quiz questions?

I didn't know there were that many Three Amigos fans out there !!

As an unrelated pub quiz question - what do the letters "POTUS" stand for?
prez of the u.s? first 10 google hits anyway. Or is this like QI and a big bell is about to go off?
Yes, POTUS is President of the United States. And SCOTUS is the Supreme Court of the United States. It's media/PR shorthand.

There was one on the Late Late recently from that guy from Game For A Laugh (a popular ITV show in the 70s, apparently). He didn't give the answer AFAIK -

If One, Five and Six had the same name, what did Three Call her sixth?

Or something like that? Anyone catch it or figure it out? I think I know what it's about but not sure if I heard the second part properly...

It refers to the 6 wives of Henry VIII. Catherine of Arragon, Kathryn Howard and Catherine Parr were wives number 1, 5 and 6 respectively. Wife no 3 was Jane Seymour whose brother Thomas married Catherine Parr after Henry's death.

Of course Jane was long since executed by then so she couldn't have called her anything..........