Anybody tried e-cigarettes?

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Been trying to quit smoking for almost as long as I've been smoking but never managed it. I have tried the gum patches etc but without success, a friend was telling me about electronic cigarettes he saw featured on sky news last week, anybody any experience with them or know what shops stock them?
I have been using one for 6 weeks and find them really excellent. I did a lot of research into them before I bought and would say you should make sure you get one that has all the health certs etc. The ones I use come with 5 nicotine cartridges which is the equivalent of 100 fags. I'm really surprised there has not been more talk of them as they a far better than gum and patches though I think after Christmas there will be a big push for the traditional quitting month! I Have great crack in the pub winding people up, as they look so real. Heres a link to the ones I got [broken link removed]
Good luck with them and hope the work for you.

BTW I have no affiliation with the company, just over the moon with the product especially with the price after the budget and given the fact I might not have a medical card when I'm older!!
Thanks for the info, I had a look at those 2 sites and have ordered off myeasyquit as I could find more information on their health and safety certifications. I will report back after a few weeks and report if it works IMO, given the price of them now I'd only have to stay off them for a week to pay for the starter pack!!
I having been using them for 4 months now Mrs P having purchased from the afore mentioned and have found them fantastic. I was very sceptically at first as i thought the end lighting up etc was a real gimmick but they have certainly worked for me. It was mentioned above that it's surprising that there is not more advertising of them, I believe that there is some argument after patent rights in Europe in particular so for anybody thinking of buying go for a brand that has certification such a CE and RoHS which conform to electrical safety and medical safety as there are some cheap imitations on the market.

I have to agree with Cotteneye about winding people up in the pub! You get some looks. I was also on a flight to Orlando last month and could use it in the jacks as its only water vapor that comes out and it can't set off smoke alarms and is also not illegal, i thought this was the best thing ever as I'm not a great flyer and the fact I could get a nico fix helped me no end! I don't really use it that much anymore as I find the urges are pretty much gone now, unless I'm out for a couple of pints and the will power is lowered! It may sound sad to others especially non-smokers but I feel better going out knowing I have it in my pocket in case my urges get the better of me, in the past I went cold turkey and stopped enjoying going out as it turned into a battle of wills with myself. I would certainly recommend this product as it has worked for me and I considered myself a lost cause!
Well done to Cottoneye & Paddy, and good luck to Rory.

As Mrs Jock will see this, I can hazard a guess as to what might be in my Christmas stocking this year!
I know its a bit of a stupid question coming from a current smoker , but what are the ongoing costs involved
I have not seen them in shops but as they are a relatively new product I think come January they will be everywhere. You can even get big fat Cigars and pipes now which work the same way! In terms of cost of pack of 5 cartridges costs me €12 and each cartridge is equal to a box of twenty so my pocket certainly feels healthier too!
Just in relation to planes, i was on a flight to tenerife 3 weeks ago and they had a disposable version for sale on Air Europa I think was the charters name!
Received the e-cigarette I ordered from today, first impressions are that its a nifty bit of kit and looks very realistic and you get a fair bit of 'smoke' off it. I emailed to the guy who distributes them and he was saying they are launching different flavors including coffee, chocolate, mint and lemon!!! I think I'll get the coffee ones and save spending €5 a day on them as well! it will be interesting to see how it goes, but I'll start from tomorrow because I have 5 left in the pack to finish up tonight!
This sounds really worth a go! But is there an "exit" plan or will you end up "smoking" them forever?!? (or until you die....cough...cough!)
I'll start from tomorrow because I have 5 left in the pack to finish up tonight!

I know that feeling, I hope you at least had a ritual tearing up of the last one as a show of commitment!

This sounds really worth a go! But is there an "exit" plan or will you end up "smoking" them forever?!? (or until you die....cough...cough!)

The exit plan is different for everybody IMO. For a person on 40 a day it would have to take longer. The cartridges I got come in 3 levels to gradually reduce your nico habit- high-medium-low I suppose the step after that is to just use it when you have a strong urge. I was also talking to 'my dealer' from and he was telling me about the different flavors coming out, I'm not to sure about that though as I've tasted menthol fags before and they were rank! Maybe a curry chips or flavor would be nice!
Rory22 - Did you start today? How are you finding them?

Would love to give up myself but have never been successful so am curious.
I really hope its good news!
I tried these but failed on a lads night out.
Have quite over two months now with a Phizer Drug - Champix. You need a perscription and it's expensive but it works. I have tried books,gum,hypnosis and cold turkey in the past.
Well done to all the sicessful quiters. Best Budget Buster is €2~3K saved from Fags.
Yep started today and I have to say I feel really positive, especially since I don't have to go outside my office into that weather!!!!!!! I have been working away at my desk and have used it several times and although I don't want to jinx it and speak to soon, I think this might just work! you definitely get a 'hit' from it. As Tatler said the real test will come on a night out and I've got a wedding on Saturday, I was thinking of waiting till after-wards to start, but really if I were to keep procrastinating I'd keep finding excuses, I definitely think I'll still go outside with my smoker friends as normal and just use the e-cigarette, besides I think smokers are generally more crack than noners!!!
I started using these about 2 weeks ago but still find that I’m having the odd cigarette when I’m really stressed. I think it’s purely psychological with me. Hopefully will stop stay away from cigarettes soon!

Have a read of the article below from todays Irish Examiner.

[broken link removed]
Never heard of Champix and would not take a pill anyway. Thats the beauty of the e-cigs there is no substatution drug in it, they kill the nicotine urge while you don't miss the tactile realationship you build up to cigarettes. In relation to the 2 links to companies that sell them I would definatly go for as I found while doing my research they have all the saftey documentation in place and the guy I contacted even sent me proof of testing saftey. I'm starting to sound like an agent for this product now! as I say to my mates it's the best thing since Sky+

real test will come on a night out and I've got a wedding on Saturday,

Good luck with that rory22!!!
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