Anybody else having problems with UTV broadband?


Registered User
For a good while now I have been having seemingly random modem/router disconnects and short outages while the modem/router re-establishes a connection. This is the case with their original Creative Blaster modem/router as well as with my newer Linksys WAG54GS device. There is only one other device on the circuit - the landline phone - and this has an appropriate splitter/ADSL filter. I can't see anything obvious wrong with the local setup but the sporadic/random disconnects keep happening. The modem/router logs are not really that informative in terms of diagnosing the problem. UTV support are not much help. Anybody experiencing anything similar? Any suggestions for diagnosing the problem and identifying the root? I'm on the Crown Alley exchange and about 2KM from it in case that matters.
Thanks - but I don't have a Billion router and the problem occurs even if I am using Ubuntu 8.04 and not XP [Home] SP3 and was happening before I installed SP3 so that's not the explanation.
It actually affects lots of different modem/router types - not just Billion - that was just one reference I found.

However, the fact that it happens with Ubuntu means it can't be an XP-SP3 issue. Sorry I can't help further.
It actually affects lots of different modem/router types - not just Billion
As many people said in response to this "XP SP3" problem if specific routers crash because of what is sent to them the it is much more likely a case of buggy router firmware than a problem with the operating per se.
I have the same problem in the last few months with UTV. It happens several times a day. Sometimes it only last for a few seconds. Sometimes (a few times a month) I just reboot the router. Using a netgear router on xp.

I haven't bothered with phoning customer service, as previouslythey haven't been much help for other issues. and planning to switch to a mobile service soon ( for reason other than the connection issues)
Thanks Blinder. Sounds similar to my experience lately. I was rebooting the router too but eventually realised that this was pointless and any correlation between doing this and the service resuming was purely coincidental. In fact the link just drops and can be reestablished in anything from seconds to minutes to (more rarely) hours. Just to narrow things down I will do what UTV support (eventually - on my third prompting) suggested and plug the router into the master phone connector for a while with no other devices connected and see if that makes any difference.
We're experiencing this problem too for the last few months I'd say. And it seems to be getting worse, initially it was just dropping once every few days now its several times a day. Extremely frustrating. We can't change our phone connector as we also have eircom phone watch and there's only one phone connector we can use. As a matter of interest did changing your router to the master phone connector improve things?
Is there any recourse with ISPs for this? Ive had 2 drops in the last 3 weeks with BT, router just cant get an IP for a few minutes at relevant times but it was enough for me to lose work both times whilst connected to my job. Whilst accepting its a home connection and not a business one, its so frustrating.

Both times BT support were next to useless offering suggestions like changing my splitter and not having the router on the extension upstairs (even though its been working fine off it for last 3 years). Anything rather then admit it was on their side.

Do outages not happen in their offices? :rolleyes:

The ISPs have to start stepping up in my opinion.#

sorry for hijacking CM, just highlighting its not just utv that random drops are happening with.
The connection still drops from time to time but not so much since I started this thread.
I'm on UTV also and using a linksys WRT54. 2 common issues that each happen maybe once per day.

1. Wireless connections drop for no apparent reason. Comes back again in a few seconds.
2. UTV supplied modem (connected to Linksys) drops it's connection to internet. A power reset or remote connection to the web interface of the modem to hit connect usually does the trick.

Is not a show stopper yet but is quiet annoying.
1. Wireless connections drop for no apparent reason. Comes back again in a few seconds.
If you mean the wireless link from your laptop to the router then chances are this has nothing to do with UTV per se. Are you running the latest firmware on your router and drivers for your wireless network adaptor?
2. UTV supplied modem (connected to Linksys) drops it's connection to internet.
That is the problem that I have from time to time. Even after replacing the UTV supplied Creative Blaster ADSL modem (plus my own D-Link DI-524 wired/wireless router) with an all in one Linksys WAG54GS box.
A power reset or remote connection to the web interface of the modem to hit connect usually does the trick.
I was doing this until I realised that it was probably not actually helping at all and the connection just got re-established anyway if I waited.
Is not a show stopper yet but is quiet annoying.
Yes - VERY! :(
If I recall correctly a netopia wireless modem showed dropouts on the DSL connection also with UTV. I'm 5km from exchange so I'm putting it down to that.
We're about 2KM from our exchange. I must eliminate the possibility of any internal issue by hooking the router up directly to the main phone point downstairs.
What's your line stats like when you view them in modem? I've a 2mb connection but know people between my house and exchange who can only get 1mb.
Always connects at 2Mbps down/256Kbps down and the other line details look OK. The problem is not line quality or throughput while it's working but the random disconnects. I do know of people who were paying for 2Mbps or 3Mbps but only getting 1Mbps or 2Mbps. Only on querying it were they told that their line was not suitable for the package they were being charged for!
My line details look ok also. Attenuation: 57.5 SNR 12.5. Rang UTV today to see what they'd need to be to upgrade to 3mb. Was put on hold while they "checked" the line. The rep came back and said my line was capable of only .5mb and that I would experience dropped connections which I do...about 2 times per working day.
My line details look ok also. Attenuation: 57.5 SNR 12.5. Rang UTV today to see what they'd need to be to upgrade to 3mb. Was put on hold while they "checked" the line. The rep came back and said my line was capable of only .5mb and that I would experience dropped connections which I do...about 2 times per working day.
What is your router reporting as the connect speed? What are you getting using, say,
Router reports 2048kbps DL and 256kbps UL. Typical daytime speeds on the speedtest sites is around 1750kbps DL and 200+ kbps UL. 5km from exchange. I think someone sprinkled holy water on my phoneline!
That looks reasonable. Obviously contention ratio may cut into this depending on who is online at any one time. Keep monitoring it to see how it goes. I'm still getting the random disconnects myself but still haven't tried moving the router etc.