Another RAS question


Registered User
I have a few question regarding what happens when RAS contract is coming to an end.

1.If tenant does not vacate property when contract is ended, will RAS continue to pay rent
2. Is RAS responsible for removing tenant if they dont move out of property
3. Is RAS responsible for leaving property in the same condition as they got it in the first place
These are very good questions and are related to your other posts on RAS.
You should follow the Councils instructions and evict you tenant, as it looks like the Council are continuing to pay the rent so far even with the Tenant in €5000 of arrears.
Otherwise when the contract is up and if the tenant refuses to move then its your problem and not the councils.
Besides you don't want these spongers in you house.
Thanks for your contribution HollyBud
Regarding evicting the tenant, should this be the responsibility of Wexford CC as they put checked the tenant out before agreeing the contract.
If its like the contract i am familiar with then its you responsibility unfortunately. Get a copy of the contract and see what it says. My advice is to give then the proper notice and then if there is a problem the pass it onto the PRTB. At least it looks like you will be paid while the dispute is going on.
1. Good question - (un)fortunately i never experienced this issue. Contract is normally renewed. If the tenant does not leave on their own behalf - then most likely they will have to be housed somewhere else by the CC anyway... they cant put them out in the street normally. Do they have kids for example? Much more expensive emergency housing (think hotel) would have to be put in place - if they dont have a council house for them.

Best bet is not to ask us this question - ask the CC if they plan to stop payments. They are not your enemy - and are best positioned to answer the question!

2. No. They can move them elsewhere - but if the tenant needs to be evicted for any reason, then its your job to do that.

3. No its the tenants responsibility to leave it in the same condition. If they fail - you have a deposit hopefully. But you will not have any comeback on the CC.
3. No its the tenants responsibility to leave it in the same condition. If they fail - you have a deposit hopefully. But you will not have any comeback on the CC.

Just a note on point 3, with Dublin County Council at least, if no deposit was paid then they will repair damage etc. bar ware and tare to a max. of one months rent