Last weekend I went to Kerry to climb some mountains. I rented a car from the airport no problem but like a complete eejit I locked the keys in the car halfway up a mountain at 19:00 on Sat. night. I have to say that everyone I came in touch with from that point on was so so helpful it isn’t real. From the guy at the AA call centre in Dublin (who said he'd rather be at the Chilies, but you wouldn't think so he was so helpful) to the Fear an Ti in Ashe's pub in Camp who lent me his mobile. As for the mechanic who eventually rescued the car well quite simply he should be knighted. He didn't want to disturb my watching of the match so 'nipped up the hill"...got into the car found the key and delivered the car back to the pub. As for the chef in Ashe's ..... well worth a visit.