....And Roy play’d a sad lament to his poor Dog Triggs.

Maybe we should set up a web book of condolences. Not for you, pique, obviously, as you are not a celebrity.

Sympathy to anyone who loses a much loved pet! My mam had to take a week off work a couple of years back when our 18 year old dog was pts. When she went back to work, one wise guy said, Ah doggone! She can see the funny side now but at the time she chewed the head off him.

Feel for Roy and all the Keane family.
Very true MandaC. It breaks my heart when any of my dogs die. They're like part of the family. I'm sure poor Roy and his family are very sad at the loss of Triggs.
I feel for Roy and his family too, the media have made a joke of it by the ridiculous exposure and anyone whose lost a pet should feel compassion.
I heard on the radio this morning that the Star is reporting that Triggs is alive!
He was never the same after the world cup fiasco. Was walked to an early grave IMHO.