Am I entitled to any of partners house?

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If I had paid paid half the mortgage for the 2 years that I was in the house would I have been entitled to anything?

I'm sorry to say this lucy2 but are you winding us all up?

If you are'nt then God love you if you feel you have some right to another persons property just because you went out with him.

Did you ever offer to pay his mortage? Did you ever suggest investing in HIS property by suggesting you would buy half the interest in the proberty?

It saddens me to see people claiming to be from the leagal profession suggesting you contact a colleague of theirs, there can only be one winner and it won't be you our your ex!

My advice to you is to move on with your life and make the most of what you can to acheive the best results for you without thinking someone may owe you a windfall just because you were going out together.
If I had paid paid half the mortgage for the 2 years that I was in the house would I have been entitled to anything?
sounds like your starting to change your story, sounds like your possibly thinking of going to a solicitor and telling them that you did pay half the mortgage, if so, you should seriously question your morals, I have just been in this situation, the only diff is I was married and there are two kids, so seriously spot the differences
Having bought a property recently I asked my solicitor about the whole common law wife thing and he explained to me that there is no such thing, if things didnt work out and she was looking for a "payoff" she would have to prove she contributed to the mortgage, bills etc.
Lucy2, Did you discuss any of this before you moved in? If he had have suggested to give him say 90K for example to put your name on the deeds would you have agreed?
How long were you with your ex before you moved in?
Have you discussed any of this with your ex or were you planning on getting advise from a solicitor before doing so?
No matter where you live nowadays (except in your parents maybe) you are expected to pay your half of the bills and contribute to the housework so why do you feel that by doing this are you entitled to some of the equity that you have contributed nothing towards?
It sounds like you a bitter and are looking for what you can get out of him now. Without going into too much detail can you give us some more info on how you "fell out of love"? Did he break up or did you?
There was a case in Donegal last year possibly the year before where an ex girlfriend took her ex to court for the above. She had been living with him for alot longer, paying rent, bills, food etc and buying stuff for the house etc, she lost the case and was left with legal costs.
If people can't remain civil in their replies, don't bother posting, or start a thread in Letting Off Steam.

There have been several posts removed already.

Stick to facts please.
Lucy2, as one of the people who was perhaps a little 'pointed' in my comments which was subsequently removed as I though your action to be quite distasteful to be honest (& I don't have to many that are removed believe me). However, let me change tone & come from a different angle.

If you really, really, really believe that you are entitled to something here - lets just say for arguement sake - half of the house - would you plan on telling you new 'partner' of the future how you came into such a "windfall"? Have you thought it through to the effect that your potential new 'partner' might or might not be happy at how you proceeded? What kind of committment do you think he will give - I couldn't see him letting your foot in the door.

I think things would be alot different if you & your former partner put the deposit on the house together, paid mortgages together etc - but doing the housework & slapping a bit of paint on the wall does not really cut the mustard.

Wishing you and your new lucky partner lots of luck in the future.

If you really, really, really believe that you are entitled to something here - lets just say for arguement sake - half of the house - would you plan on telling you new 'partner' of the future how you came into such a "windfall"? Have you thought it through to the effect that your potential new 'partner' might or might not be happy at how you proceeded? What kind of committment do you think he will give - I couldn't see him letting your foot in the door.

This is what struck me as well. No matter how lovely I thought my new girlfriend was, if I discovered she attempted to take half her ex's home simply because she had to pay for her own food and bills for two years, I'd be extremely troubled.

I'm sure you are a lovely person Lucy, but you really need to think about why you feel you should be entitled to half your ex's place. I really don't think that kind of mentality is congruous to finding inner peace and happiness.

If you had been contributing to his mortgage I'd have a different attitude.
Done to death, I think is an appropriate expression here.

The girl has had the advise she asked for and is probably regretting ever posting in the first instance.

Enough berating I think
I really just want to know what the strict legal position is. I want to know my rights. I didn't pay the mortgage but I did paint the house and do all the housework for the 2 years that I was in the house.

Are you for real or is this a wind up? so you earned your keep for a couple of years. I would think it selfish of you to expect money from the house. Its his house that he bought and was kind enough to let you live in it rent free and now you want money. Why should he give you anything?
I'd agree with most of the criticisms of the poster's attitude and to be honest, I'm finding it difficult to be civil about this.

The OP seems, in a roundabout way to have more or less admitted that she doesn't believe she is entitled to anything - morally.

Her interest seems to lie only in what she can perhaps legally squeeze out of the situation - and we all know that solicitors/barristers can pull all sorts of things out of the hat (given the right conditions/circumstances).

She mentions things like 'painting the house' etc - which I assume to be a joke?

Lucy2, I would think very carefully about the path you appear to be going down. On the information supplied by your posts on this thread, if I personally knew you, or knew of you in the real world, I have to admit I would tell everyone I meet who you are and what your attitude is, and warn every man, woman and child to stay well away from you.

I'm not trying to be nasty - just honest. You could actually ruin your reputation and life with an attitude like this.

Unless I am wrong in what i suggest in the highlighted section above? Please tell me I am...
I seem to have caused a quite a stir in here. All I wanted to do was find out the what the legal situation was but thanks for all your helpful replies.
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