Am I alone in thinking ICTU's 1 day work stoppage on March30th is stark raving mad!

Marathon Man

Registered User
Am I alone in thinking that ICTU's proposed one day work stoppage on March 30th is stark raving mad?

In all probability, the majority of those we see on the streets will be public servants. Everyone I know working in the private sector -those that haven't (yet) lost their jobs - are battening down the hatches. The last thing people working in industries that are in jeopardy need is to exacerbate the situation.

I bitterly disagree with the way the Government has hit mainly soft targets in its quest for 'sharing the pain'. I would like to see those who benefitted most from the Celtic Tiger sharing a bit more equitably - in particular I'd like to see the top bankers in sackcloth and ashes. ..........But Work Stoppage....Pure madness. We're in a bit of a stew...and they want to turn up the heat????

btw, Mrs MM is a public servant
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

I think it is a bit silly to strike a week before the budget. They should at least wait until they have a fuller picture of what will be happening in the country.
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

I think it is a bit silly to strike a week before the budget
This is just a warm up strike. There'll be many more strikes, and maybe riots, after the budget.
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

I cannot understand it. A weekend protest might be acceptable but anyone going on strike is even more out of touch with reality than the Anglo directors!
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

Am I alone in thinking that ICTU's proposed one day work stoppage on March 30th is stark raving mad?

You are not alone. The only outcome will be that the people on strike will be down a day's pay.
I will be interested to see the results of the ballots from the different unions.
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

I cannot understand it. A weekend protest might be acceptable but anyone going on strike is even more out of touch with reality than the Anglo directors!
Yes, the Unions have every right to protest but they should not damage the economy any more than they have already.
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

Is it just me, but is a strike not now completely archaic/antediluvian ?

In this day and age, when the working environments and terms and conditions have been transformed, can the unions not come up with a better method of flexing their muscle than a strike ?

The 'blue flu' by the Gardai showed some element of cunning. I'm not sure if it was ever deployed, but didn't Bus Ath Cliath drivers once threaten a no fares day ? This too would have been a better approach - do your job but limit the 'damage' so that the public aren't affected.

Surely the top dog fat cats at ICTU and the rest can justify their salaries by bringing a level of intelligence and cunning to their leadership ?

I haven't been a member of a union for years.
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

Surely the top dog fat cats at ICTU and the rest can justify their salaries by bringing a level of intelligence and cunning to their leadership ?
They have been in government buildings or looking out over the city from their plush offices at the top of Liberty Hall (who said the bearded brethren didn’t understand irony) for the last 10 years. They are as out of touch with ordinary people as it is possible to get.

...actually that's not fair; they could have been sitting on board of one of the state bodies/quango's part of the time.
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

Yes, the Unions have every right to protest but they should not damage the economy any more than they have already.

How have the unions damaged the economy?
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

They have been in government buildings or looking out over the city from their plush offices at the top of Liberty Hall

Yes perhaps they were in Govt buildings discussing the partnership agreements, if the Irish people didn't like such agreements or benchmarking why did they return the same Government to power on two occassions?
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

How have the unions damaged the economy?
Demanding (and getting) excessive pay increases that have damaged the countries competitiveness, resisting necessary change in the protected sectors of the economy for no good reason which cost the tax payer millions (if not billions) and in the non-protected sector which resulted in thousands of job losses.
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

Yes perhaps they were in Govt buildings discussing the partnership agreements, if the Irish people didn't like such agreements or benchmarking why did they return the same Government to power on two occassions?
Because the alternative involves Joan Burton?
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

Because the alternative involves Joan Burton?

You seem to want everything your own way all the time. It seems childish to blame everything on one person. I would prefer Joan Burton to Bertie Ahern anyday.
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

Do you have any factual evidence for any of this comment?
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

You seem to want everything your own way all the time. It seems childish to blame everything on one person.
Ok, I should have said "Lots of reasons", but Joan is one of them; she's utterly useless.

I would prefer Joan Burton to Bertie Ahern anyday.

Same here.
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

A €25 bn deficit and 350,000 people on the dole

Are you suggesting that this is actual evidence linking Purple's comment that the unions have damaged the economy or just another cheap anti union shot. I strongly supect it is the latter.
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

Are you suggesting that this is actual evidence linking Purple's comment that the unions have damaged the economy or just another cheap anti union shot. I strongly supect it is the latter.
Are you suggesting that the highest after tax minimum wage in the EU, pushed for by the breaded Brethren, and two rounds of the Benchmarking fiasco have had no impact on our competitiveness?
Union leaders proliferate our state and semi-state boards, with the Eminence grise himself, David Begg, sitting on the board of both the central Bank and the ESRI.