All Irish Cinemas to go digital. World first ?!



This story about all of Ireland's ~ 500 cinema screens being converted to digital had been reported in various places this week.

It looks like a combination of a rack mount server and digital projector with the content being downloaded by Satellite. Somehow the existing distributors are keeping their commercial arrangements with the exhibitors.

In the Sunday Tribune there was an article saying that the first cinemas would be converted over by April.

Does anbody know more about this, such as is it real or just hype? Which cinemas are going to be converted first. Will they be running old fashioned film projectors in parallel with the digital ones initially for films that are on digital media?
It's real.
There has been talk of this for quite sometime, and some cinema's have tested these digital projector already.
As advertising goes I'm not sure, but the will soon follow suit as it cost a lot to transfer from digital format (which most Ads are shot on anyhow) to 35mm.

The movie company's are interested in Ireland cause we mirror the cinema going styles of America which they are really interested in. Ireland's is like a scale down model of USA (cinema-wise).

I presume not movies will be made digital so the cinema's will still need there old projectors for the time anyway.

But what of projectionists, will they now be computer tech's as with digital projection there is no moving parts and there is little need for focusing or actual making up of movies (remember Brad Pitt in Fight club)

I look forward to not seeing the awful black/white/green scratches. But I'll miss the sound from the projection box.

My dream of playing a PS on the cinema screen may soon become a reality - pending the ports on the projector too.

I wonder will cinema's start showing Pay-per view events, and or big Events.
The movie company's are interested in Ireland cause we mirror the cinema going styles of America which they are really interested in. Ireland's is like a scale down model of USA (cinema-wise).

How do you mean? The same sort of stuff does well at the box office here as in the USA?
My dream of playing a PS on the cinema screen may soon become a reality - pending the ports on the projector too.
It's not as much fun as you think. We tried playing Doom on the college's large projector screen once. A bit like sitting too close to the TV.
We have the same trends, not the same tastes but we have the same/similiar attendance figures (per head population) as far as I know. So if we'all stop going to the movies when they introduce the digital format then they know the Americans will too. If it a roaring success then it will be a success in America also.

The trends in Dublin can be mapped to certain stateside cities while Cork, Limerick etc.. match up with others in the states also.

I would hope we dont have the same tastes in movies as the American movie going public.