Aldi, Lidl, Prices & Consumer Boycott Day

Re: The Germans are comming!!!!

Aldi white sliced pan - €0.41 this morning!

What is the fruit like in Aldi/Lidl?

I am actually eating less fruit these days because I have found it to be outrageously expensive in Tesco.

I live nead the fruit markets in Smithfield but don't know if you can buy small quantities i.e. not wholesale in bulk - has anyone any idea on this?
Re: The Germans are comming!!!!

In my neck of the woods, there appears to be a price war of sorts going on between Lidl and Centra over 2L bottles of mineral water. Centra originally beat Lidl's price of 60c a bottle and Lidl have dropped to 50c

The fruit is fine & definitely cost less than Super value....we consume hugh amounts of fruit.......

- grapes **
- apples
- banana's **
- pears **
- oranges (easy peelers ar hard to come by there!)
- kiwi's **
- peaches **

What You need to do though is inspect the contents before You load the trolly to ensure there are no bruised, over ripe or even bad ones in the packaging (rare enough though).

Shelf life on the ** fruit though I think is short - whatever You buy would need to be consumed within 1 week. Having said that maybe it could be down to the storing environment. We store in fruit bowls in the kitchen.

I live nead the fruit markets in Smithfield but don't know if you can buy small quantities

The fruit and vegetable market in Smithfield was demolished months ago to make way for the redevelopment of the west side of the plaza. Maybe you're referring to the [broken link removed] in Mary's Lane off Capel Street? I think that it's geared towards wholesale trade and the quantities involves may be too large for most retail customers but it could be worth trying.
The Germans are Coming!

*** Another Person***
Your recently responded to my post where I stated :

Also read that Tesco have five different price brandings for their stores depending on their location-ie cheaper goods available in stores near Aldi/Lidl.

Another Person`s Response:

This is untrue (In Ireland, anyway). Where did you read this?

My information came from The Sunday Tribune 26/1/03.

I am particularly well aquainted with two branches of Tesco-one with a nearby Lidl one without.And guess which one always has the cheaper brands on offer? And now figure which one advertises-but doesn`t always have the cheaper brand available and worse still doesn`t advertise and never stocks certain other cheaper items.

I don`t know if my source is correct. Maybe there`s only two pricing brands-cheapish, and Irish. But I know that Tesco, wisely, will compete if there`s competition within their local territory. And I`m glad Lidl and Aldi have also brought about that.

BTW for the person who enquired about Fruit/veg quality in Aldi/Lidl. I know that Lidl are `hit and miss` in this dept-could get underipe bananas say, for a great price.Or hit on it another day and get rotten carots. `Buyer Beware` in this dept. At least, that`s been my experience.

Gotta say the rest of Lidl pretty much makes up for it though. Chocolate is only gorgeous. Love the coffee(expresso) there too. Washing agents -dishwasher powder and detergent, Wipp cream cleanser, glass cleaner are superb value. Eggs very cheap-Hovis bread and Granary bread are lovely. Love their relish. Jelly 25 c. Live on their breakfast cereals. If anyone wants more Lidl tips I`m happy to post them up.

I`m not interested in cheap items-just better value.

Believe we waste a lot on food here and aren`t discerning enough when it comes to quality. Why is our fruit and veg of inferior quality and more expensive than other countries?
Re: The Germans are Coming!

Also read that Tesco have five different price brandings for their stores depending on their location-ie cheaper goods available in stores near Aldi/Lidl.

For what it's worth, I've heard this before somwehere as well but don't have any hard evidence/facts to back it up.
Re: The Germans are Coming!

Thanks for that. Tesco might stock different products in different stores, but like for like, the prices definately will be the same in all stores.

For what it's worth, I've heard this before somwehere as well but don't have any hard evidence/facts to back it up.

I have definate evidence to the contrary. Due to confidentuality agreement I'm not at liberty to discuss how Tesco does business. (You'll have to take my word on this one!)
Re: The Germans are Coming!

Why is our fruit and veg of inferior quality and more expensive than other countries?

Fair point Dobby, for thouse of You fortunate eniugh to go on holliers to Spain this year, take some time out to go to a local Spanish market & just look at the fruit & veg stalls.

Take the biggest [insert any fruit or veg here] that you have seen in Ireland. Now double its size & half its price.

Now in the south of Spain then have dozens of sq miles of green houses to grow all this stuff for half nothing....So when You compare what they are consuming it looks as though we get the cast offs........
Re: The Germans are Coming!

One thing about Tesco that annoys me is the fact that in prime apple time (later in the year, obviously) all you can get in Tesco are apples from France and New Zealand.

Go to a grocers and you get Irish apples.

I'm not against foreign products (and am a fan of Aldi/Lidl from a cost point of view), but it is really annoying when Irish products are in season and you can't get them on the shelves.

Maybe it's the growers, maybe it's the retailers, but it's very annoying.
