AIB's miserly stinginess when closing account


Registered User
I closed my cashsave account by letter last week. On Wednesday I got a call from my branch asking me to lodge 56 cent.

Yes, you read it correctly. 56c. Or €0.56.

It was to cover the last few charges on the account. I thought it was hilarious. Some people said I shouldn't have paid it. Petty in my opinion, but it did nothing but justify why I should part company with AIB in the first place.

Anybody have similar experiences? What did you do or say?
If there was payment outstanding for services offered then why shouldn't the bank ask for the money ?
The letter may have generated automatically.

It's a pathetic amount-but why worry about it? Just pay the €0.56 and it goes away forever.
Certainly if you are still existing customer (current account, ssia etc) it is a bit miserly of them not to waive the fee in the interest of customer relationships.
The letter may have generated automatically.
The post says it was a call, rather than a letter. Even so, it probably cost more to make the call than the amount owing. There seems to be a lack of judgment in how much to chase.
Well suffice to say it certanly vindicated my reasons for withdrawing my business from AIB in the first place. I'm just wondering is this standard practice?
Did they say what the charges were? Normally you get notice of fees and charges, so I'd ask for that first.......just to be difficult of course.
lff12 said:
I'm just wondering is this standard practice?

I suspect it might be. I have a Loyalty Current A/C with ptsb which requires an average minimum balance of €1000 over the charging period to avoid charges. When I asked to convert to their free current account the closure was resulting in the reduction of my balance below the average required and I was told I would have to pay the charges for that quarter. Needless to say I didn't move.
I got a cheque once from An Post for 1p after closing an account. It's framed and sitting on my wall.

at least they are consistent though - I got a letter regarding 0.01 of interest that was due to me on an old account that I never closed!
Bank of Ireland requested €5 from me to cover remaining charges on a current account earlier this year after I'd requested by letter for the account to be closed. The request came by phone also.

I ignored the phone call, sent another letter requesting closure of the account as the "appeared not to have received or acted upon my original request". 2 weeks later I got my closing statement where the €5 was written off.
Also works the other way around, i remember working in BOI branch and when customers closed current accounts/savings accounts via letters, there could be a small balance and we would send them a draft for pathetic amounts such as €0.56! its hilarious, waste of paper aswell!

In the cases of amounts owing, BOI usually lodge small amounts such as this from sundries accounts.
ciara_gmail said:
Also works the other way around, i remember working in BOI branch and when customers closed current accounts/savings accounts via letters, there could be a small balance and we would send them a draft for pathetic amounts such as €0.56! its hilarious, waste of paper aswell!

In the cases of amounts owing, BOI usually lodge small amounts such as this from sundries accounts.

Does it? It didn't for me.

I was quite shocked when I slightly overpaid a Motorloan with BOI about 3 years ago and was pretty miffed to notice that they simply "wrote" off the 2 or 3 euros. I didn't bother doing anything about it.
This is the way to handle it, go into your new bank and get one of those big massive chks for €0.56 that you see on charity shows and bring it in when there is a massive Q and just enjoy the look THEY get, from their customers.