Aib variable 3.15 to ltv fixed 2.35


Registered User
Hello everyone
We are considering moving from variable of 3.15% to ltv of 2.35%. We have 16 years left with 136k of mortgage with house valuation of 215k. We live in countryside so no option of avant I taught until a person working in finance said to me that avant may well expand to countryside shortly. Now we don't know what to do. Any advice welcome.
until a person working in finance said to me that avant may well expand to countryside shortly.
You're paying 0.8% more than you have to. Why? Because at some time in the future you might save a bit more? You'll have overpaid more in the meantime than you'll save. Avant aren't going to move outside the main urban areas anytime soon. And if they do, it'll take you a few months to switch, and cost you over 1,000 in legal fees.

On a low balance mortgage, you might be better switching to KBC than Avant and getting cash back.

Also read the threads on AIB break fees if you stick with them.