C ClubMan Registered User Messages 51,773 26 Feb 2005 #2 It doesn't feature in the buy to let section of the best buys list anyway in case that's any use since it suggests that it's not the most competitive.
It doesn't feature in the buy to let section of the best buys list anyway in case that's any use since it suggests that it's not the most competitive.
C Christy Guest 28 Feb 2005 #3 I was originally offered a tracker rate of 3.5% from them but when I told them I was getting 3.3% from BOI the offered to match it, so it is worth haggling. I still went with BOI though.
I was originally offered a tracker rate of 3.5% from them but when I told them I was getting 3.3% from BOI the offered to match it, so it is worth haggling. I still went with BOI though.