Aged 66 & told not to come back to work after xmas!



Hi I worked with someone who was 66 & worked in the company for 14ys. The company was told just before xmas that from Jan we would be working a 3 day week. This person who is 66 was told he was been let go & not to come back after xmas. He was given no notice. Surely he was entitled to notice?
hi - did the person receive payment in lieu of notice by any chance? It might have been confusing as the Christmas salary may have included payments for bank holidays/bonus/overtime etc
he was just paid for month of Dec which would have included the xmas hols & bank hols. We are paid monthly so he received nothing extra from previous months.
When you say he was "let go" do you mean permanently as in made redundant or is this temporary lay off.
Is there an age cut off point in his contract. Some written clarification of his status should be requested from his employer.

Also I assume he has applied for or is in receipt of his State Pension