age 62 signing on


Registered User
Hi im age 62 about to sign for jobseekers.On citizens advice it states jobseekers age 62 will only need to sign annually but casual jobseekers may need to submit weekly dockets showing work patterns.Does that mean you may need to submit weekly dockets as proof your looking for work and if so whats the point of signing yearly if you still need to go down with your work dockets.Does anybody know how much savings your allowed before you get reduced payment.
Thankyou for any help
Casual jobseekers are persons who work for a number of days each week and claim jobseekers for the other days of the week. If a person is a casual jobseeker, they have to bring dockets to the DSP office to show how many days in each week they worked.

If you are not working at all, this won't apply to you.

The first €20000 of savings is disregarded for jobseekers allowance. Anything over that will be assessed. You can find how much is assessed on this page :

If you have been working and paying PRSI, you may be entitled to Jobseekers Benefit for a number of months.
Thanks alot for clearing that up i wasn"t to sure what they meant by casual jobseeker.Im suprised at the level of savings just curious as to when it changed as i seem to remember it from it going from £3000 to £6000 years ago not sure when though.
i think the £20,000 savings entitlement is for ireland or somewhere.Im in england and every website ive looked on states that only the first £6000 is disregarded then a £1 reduction for every £250 over this amount.If you have £16000 or more your not entitled to anything.
Ahh sorry didnt realise was mostly irish forum wonder why they dont have £20,000 threshold here in uk