Affordable Housing Iniative v Affordable Housing


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Hi Guys,

i'm sure this has been asked before but i can't seem to find it.

What is the difference between the affordable Housing Iniative and the Affordable Housing?

Can you apply to both?


Hi the big difference is that the Affordable housing iniative is for people earning under 60K while the Affordable housing is for under 40K. Thats for Fingal county council anyway. my boyfriend just bought under the Affordable housing iniative.
I want to apply for the AHI aswell, I will be ringing Fingal on Monday to see if its possible to apply when you are on the AH waiting list.

AHI seems like the better option if you can afford it
Hi the big difference is that the Affordable housing iniative is for people earning under 60K while the Affordable housing is for under 40K. Thats for Fingal county council anyway. my boyfriend just bought under the Affordable housing iniative.
There are two types of Affordable Housing "schemes" available (Fingal County Council):
Affordable/Shared Ownership Scheme (income limits - single applicant €40,000, joint applicants €100,000)
Affordable Housing Initiative (income limits - single applicant €60,000, joint applicants €165,000)
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So if your earing 35k could you apply to both?
Initiative properties cost more i.e.higher mortgage, so you still need the salary to be able to pay off for example a €200k mortgage. All applicants incomes are assessed to see their suitability, but the rule as far as i can remember when i applied was that for Initiative properties you should earn between €40k-€60k.
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Hi Guys,

i'm sure this has been asked before but i can't seem to find it.

What is the difference between the affordable Housing Iniative and the Affordable Housing?

Can you apply to both?



I called Fingal today, they said when you apply Fingal place you in either scheme depending on your earnings, so if you earn over 40K then you will be in AHI and if you earn below 40K then you will be in the AH scheme.
I was on affordable housing with Fingal and I found the same, they figure out what you can afford and can advise you on what option you should be going for.
But if you had a good deposit (i have 25 k) and are earning 32k (which allowed me a mortgage of 225k) then surely i could go for the AHI as some of them went for 230k up to 258k.
as some of them went for 230k up to 258k.
What do you mean by this?

If you got a mortgage for 225k..make it known in your application to them!If you have the means of feasibly paying back a mortgage for that amount i dont see why you wouldnt be eligible then. What is your reasoning for wanting an Initiative property and not a Scheme one?
There is AHI property's available now - ready to buy - whereas the AH seem to have a much longer waiting list - i have been waiting 6 months now and there still processing my application - i have sent in everything and everytime i contact them they say there is a back log.
The houses on the AHI seem to be bigger than the houses on the AH scheme, from what I can see the houses on the AH scheme are ridiculously small. At this point I'm thinking of buying outside Dublin, something I never thought I would do!
I sent them an email on Friday to see if i can apply - they haven't replied as of yet - i rang the COCO yesterday and was told they would look into it and get back to me - can't seem to get a straight answer to be honest :(
6mths is average...dont rush into anything or accept the first thing you get offered just because theyre available now!

I know your right Swordshead but i haven't even been approved - if the back log is so long to even sort through the applicants can you imagine what the demand must be - i know i'm being really negative but i've been renting for nearly three years now thats almost 36k and i have nothing to show for it :mad:
I know your right Swordshead but i haven't even been approved - i've been renting for nearly three years now thats almost 36k and i have nothing to show for it :mad:
I heard feck all too for 6mths..realised id filled in the wrong form and everything, then things started to happen over the summer really quickly!I didnt even know for sure whether i was approved until i got a call to view my apts (back to front or what)! I too rented..for 5 yrs and share your frustration but it is unfortunately a waiting game! Give it until xmas and then see what the crack is! How about calling into the offices and ask to speak to someone? I know loads of people who've been offered places over the last 2 years so if you know you're eligible just sit tight,you'll get something!:)
I was told a few weeks ago there is 700 people on the list at the moment, wonder how fast the list is moving along
Call the AHP they have a few cancellations on thier properties! small number left in Erris and Ongar + a few on the westside of DUblin

might be of help!
Call the AHP they have a few cancellations on thier properties! small number left in Erris and Ongar + a few on the westside of DUblin

might be of help!
Is shilling a particular property development not the same as promoting shares in an individual company?
Call the AHP they have a few cancellations on thier properties! small number left in Erris and Ongar + a few on the westside of DUblin

might be of help!

You seem to know alot about them Maryjane. Care to disclose your interest in same?