Aer Lingus Rant

a rant of your own

I think you really enjoyed that Tharg.
I'v never read any of the other threads on Aer Lingus so it's all news to me.
Why did they bother to build LUAS? Its cost us a bloody fortune! And the Port Tunnel! Hell, I don't use either of them! Why should I subsidise them.
So you think that Aer Lingus qualifies as capital infrastructure...don't you think that's stretching it a bit?
If they shut down tomorrow do you not think that any other airlined would fly in or out of this country (and look after the tourists, the foreign investors etc?
I agree that Are lingus is not like small private businesses but your unions have the cheek to think that you should be benchmarked against them.
You're on a roll Tharg, keep up the good work!

OK, I admit it, I have a bit of a laugh at this stuff. Some take offence at my comments. That just makes me laugh harder. What else can you do when you read this crap.

I did not say that investment in ALT is as good as capital infrastructure investment. Its better.

Just kidding.

Seriously though...ALT has returned brilliant value for money to the country for years.
What capital investment was made in it? None.
A few bail-outs, yes. But if the company had been properly run and funded they wouldn't have been needed.
They've been repaid in spades.

Don't want it any more?
Fine by me!
I want out from under the yoke of government/european interference. Whoever gets it will certainly have to invest in it...and they'll get their return..and I'll get a JOB FOR LIFE. Lucky me, yahoo.

But far as the redundancy package goes, you've missed the best bit!
The company just signed off on the 14.9% ESOP (as was promised under the recovery plan) but the bummer is that all those 1325 departing staff are gonna get it too!
Now that IS criminal! Guys like wetback there are gonna get 40K plus shares currently valued at 26K per employee...for working there just a year and a day (minimum required to qualify).
When it floats I expect the value to easily double...handing him a total extra 52K for arsing about an office for 12months!
Bull !

The ESOP should only have applied to staff remaining after the redundancies finish. We are the ones who'll have to work to double that assholes share price!

The biggest disgrace is that the staff haven't got more time to make up their minds. It should be extended to October. Shower of b*stards !!