Aer Lingus introducing new charge on pre-booked seats


Registered User
Heard on late news tonight: Aer Lingus is introducing a new charge on pre-booked short haul flights from 23rd May. The first five rows will cost €10.00, exit row seats will cost €15.00 and all others will cost €3.00. It wasn't said if this cost was for single or return flights. Customers will continue to be able to select their seat when checking in at no extra charge.

Michael O'Leary please do not imitate.
" Customers will continue to be able to select their seat when checking in at no extra charge."

But for how long?
These extra charges for air travel is all getting a bit tiresome. As a relative frequent traveller I have not seen either AL or RA lower their prices to compensate for these extra charges-notably baggage, . Funnily enough it was stated that introducing the baggage charges would enable them to offer even lower fares....looks more like same fares, more charges = higher yeild per passenger! soon the ticket price will only cover the transport, seating will be an extra charge...even though its a mandatory element
It wont be long now before RA bring in the bargain basement fares for specially developed harness that enable you to stand at all times during the flight ;-) The flying double decker bus is only a CAA amendment away!!
Cant do proper smileys for some reason so ;-) ;-) ;-)
Heard on late news tonight: Aer Lingus is introducing a new charge on pre-booked short haul flights from 23rd May. The first five rows will cost €10.00, exit row seats will cost €15.00 and all others will cost €3.00. It wasn't said if this cost was for single or return flights. Customers will continue to be able to select their seat when checking in at no extra charge.

Michael O'Leary please do not imitate.
Excellent I will be able to displace the grannies from the exit rows at last, no more snooty AL employees keeping exit row seats for their friends.
Well worth the €15 imho. Well done Dermot. :)
Excellent I will be able to displace the grannies from the exit rows at last, no more snooty AL employees keeping exit row seats for their friends.
Well worth the €15 imho. Well done Dermot. :)

Exactly. IMHO this is exactly what airlines need - this is simply a more efficient way of allocating seats based on needs/wants - e.g. I like the aisle seat, and always ask for it. However, in no way would I pay €15 for it - however, someone like bond-007 might pay. Therefore, the seat is allocated more efficiently than if I had just got lucky or flashed my winning smile at the check-in desk :D .
Anybody know if i book a codeshare BA flight will I get charged for seat choice, or can you even allocate / choose seat via BA?
I don't think they code share any more. If you go to the BA web site they no longer offer DUB - LHR for example.

EI dropped out of OneWorld last weekend.
Knew they were out of One World. Both BA and EI website state they codeshare ... but your right you can't book BA codeshare flight, I tried LHR to Cork

At this stage I think Aer Lingus can no longer claim to offer a higher service level than Ryanair on short-haul routes.
Or the higher service of airlines such as BA on long haul routes in my experience.
At this stage I think Aer Lingus can no longer claim to offer a higher service level than Ryanair on short-haul routes.

At 'this' stage ???

Aer Lingus are a carbon copy of RyanAir dressed up as a flag carrier.
I honestly don't understand how anyone can say that Aer Lingus are good and in the same breath slate RyanAir off.

At least you know what to expect from RA, whereas AL have this funny idea that because they're Aer Lingus they get to charge you more and treat you exactly the same way!!! The mind boggles at the number of people who swallow this too !

I flew with AL to Italy last September to get married. The flight left Dublin at 6:30 or so. at the time of checkin, there were at least 10-15 AL flights open for checkin, some transatlantic and other longer haul than ours. There was one desk open...ONE !
there were over a thousand passengers (no exaggeration) queued up to use the kiosks and then queue again for the one desk to check in baggage. The lucky few with only carry-on were an insignificant number. Eventually extra staff arrived to man the desks, about an hour later. The plane then sat on the tarmac for an hour with us on board while they refueled (which I thought was illegal)!!!

AL have sold out a long time ag to the likes of RyanAir....I honestly don't see why they were so worried about Michael O'Leary buying shares in them. They're obviously playing the same game, just one is up front and honest about it !

No affiliation with either (thankfully), just a normal cat in cattle class !

Refulling while passengers are on board sounds dangerous to me! What about fumes on the plane etc.
I have booked several flights with Ryanair for this year and only one with Aer Lingus. I think that Ryanair are way ahead of Aer Lingus in all areas now. Aer Lingus are charging a premium on their tickets....for what?
How about charging passengers a toll to get off the plane once it arrives at destination airport. Passengers could not complain as they would be charged with air rage....

It's a bit sick to hear AL spout on that they only introduced this due to Customer Demand...would that customer please stand up...oh sorry the fasten your seat belt sign is on...please remain in your seat...

Very nasty of AL to add to the 25% increase in bag charge of last week.
Another sad day for all customers...

I used to think they had got cheap and the cheap is that leaves .....
As a tall guy I'm looking forward to being able to pre-book the exit seats...the rest I think is nonsense. But I don't understand how they can do this. Being able bodied and able to open the emergency doors and help others was always a prerequisite for sitting in these will this be enforced now?
At this stage I think Aer Lingus can no longer claim to offer a higher service level than Ryanair on short-haul routes.

As a frequent traveller with Aer Lingus, I agree. Given a choice now, I will avoid Aer Lingus like I avoid Ryanair. Unfortunatley on the route I travel the most I have no option.
going back to someone elses flippant comment about seating being options.... article in paper at weekend (no 1st april edition ;-), said that some asian carrier was looking at standing flights for some short haul flights....
Add in the extra charges with the hassle of security and suddenly P&O are looking better and better...
going back to someone elses flippant comment about seating being options.... article in paper at weekend (no 1st april edition ;-), said that some asian carrier was looking at standing flights for some short haul flights....
Are you sure that this was not an April Fool joke!
)said that some asian carrier was looking at standing flights for some short haul flights....

Surely safety regulations wouldn't allow this? As I said earlier I don't see how allowing those who can't handle the emergency doors in the exit seats doesn't compromise safety...