Advice for accidental landlord


Registered User
Hi there,

As the title suggests, I'm an accidental landlord. I own a property which I can't sell at the minute, so I'm no expert. I've had a tenant in situ for the past 4 years. Whilst the apartment was handed back in immaculate condition, I have the sense that the person to whom I was renting wasn't the one who was actually living in the place. No idea what was going on, but rent was always paid on time, and the place was kept in super condition. This only became apparent when they moved out... However I digress.

I now have to rent again, and things have changed since I last did this. So if anyone has tips for:

1. how to vet tenants;
2. special conditions to put in the lease;
3. other things a clueless novice should watch out for...

I'd be really grateful.
The only tip, based on above post would be to engage an established letting agent in the area to source the new tenant.
you dont need a lease unless you have very specific requests , once the tenants are in place six months , they will aquire part 4 tenancy rights anyway

proof of employment
references from previous landlords
garda refference if your really concerned though im not sure if that means much but ive heard of people being asked for it
6 weeks rent as deposit and set rent just above market level.

Ask for PPS number - tenant can refuse & you cant make it a condition but v handy to have if any issues.

Also yr new tenants will get a six year right of residence after 6 months.

If yr tenants pay the rent in full and on time and keep the place tidy you'll be doing fine.