Advertising for osama at Lansdowne Road


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As I sat in the Wet Upper stand in Lansdowne Road last night marveling at the delightful skills of the Italian ;) (okay so - also the Irish :p ) team I happened to notice a billboard at the corner of the East Stand and Havelock Square terraces for “osama”. Other than the infamous bin laden, anybody know what this was advertising?
Noticed that too and was surprised. Was going to Google it but was afraid that CIA agents would arrest me at my desk an hour afterwards.
Are you sure it wasn't for "OSMA", which AFAIK is a drainage product (gutters)manufactured by "Wavin" who are official sponsors of the Irish rugby team? Unfortunate name choice I suppose...
No I still think it was osama. I'll watch out for the TV coverage over the next few days.
Yep. Definitely Osama. Saw it on TV. Couldn't believe it. There was something else written there too but I can't remember. I thought it was networks or communications or phone calls or something along those lines.
ClubMan said:
I found it all a bit too depressing to be honest...

I thought it was an accurate depiction of the hardship a lot of women endure in Afghanistan. I liked it.