Accident Insurance


Registered User
Hi Folks,
My wee brother got our accident insurance today after months of badgering from myself. He is just 22 but has been suffering various aches and strains the past few months and i was a bit concerned he might get into trouble if something happened him a bit more serious, especially in his line of work ( hes a carpenter) So h informed me of his new found insurance status today. So there i was expecting to hear of some plan he signed from BUPA or VHI or VIVAS but he tells me he has joined the combined insurance company.
So i checked if they existed and they do have a lovely colourful website but i want to know who these people are, are they reputable, what generally do they cover, and why havent i heard of them before.
All info greatly appreciated
well i wanted him to get health insurance but he tell me that this corwd has given him accident insurance and after 6 months he can get full health insurance. I was curious as what the difference in cover these lads against VHI or BUPA
Most of these products as far as I am aware provide for a certain payout depending on weekly / monthly premium in the event of an accident. They do not pay for medicial expenses. Effectivelly you still are treated as a public patient unless you are will to pay for medicial expenses. Can be expensive if seriously injured or serious medicial condition.
In most instances tax relief does not apply to the premiums.
Pay-out does not apply until a number of days /weeks has elapsed.
You really need to look as the terms and conditions carefully.
if he is suffering from various aches and pains over the past few months, then if he has not informed teh company of that when taking out the policy, and by telling the company, i mean writing it on the propoeal form, not having a general chat with the seller, he may not be covered in the event of a claim!

this appears to be a personal accident poicy, which would have various terms and conditions. It is not the same as VHI or BUPA. As far as i know, the 'health insurance' mentioned may only be a hospital cash benefit, which would pay a fixed sum per day for every day he was in hospital, after a minimum period. It is not the same as health insurance.