22 and a 2nd year college student in dire financial straights!!!

A problem with selling her car is, is there a market for second hand cars??? OP may have to sell it at a very reduced price, and is still left with a loan!

Leaving collage is not really an option as there is so little work out there..
What would I do, I would get lifts with other prople that go near to the collage, even if that means being in Collage for most of the day..

If the OP lives in a rural area, would there be farming work you could do?? Anything to bring in a few pounds.

Also look at day to day expenses, if you get a lift to work you dont have petrol, can you bring a lunch to collage?
A problem with selling her car is, is there a market for second hand cars??? OP may have to sell it at a very reduced price, and is still left with a loan!

If she sells the car now, she will get more for it than 6 months down the line when she is struggling even more and the car is considered another year older. Even the OP must have thought about selling the car - Its the only commodity they have that can make a dent on the debt.

I had to run my fathers pub for over a year as he was sick, I was working way too many hours and trying to balance collage so I think I deserved to buy a TV and i actually ended up only buying an Acoustic solutions TV for €350!!!
I got some good news yesterday, I have a interview for a part-time job in Argos on Thurs. Anyone know what questions they might ask??? or what if the ask me why I would like to work in Argos?

I really need this job so any tips/help would be brilliant!!!

Depends on the job. But a good piece of advice I was once given is to never forget to let the employer know that you want the job.

A lot of effort is usually taken by candidates to show that they are qualified/capable of doing the job but showing the prospective employer that you want the job is often enough to set you apart from all the other qualified/capable candidates.

Good luck.

I had to run my fathers pub for over a year as he was sick, I was working way too many hours and trying to balance collage so I think I deserved to buy a TV and i actually ended up only buying an Acoustic solutions TV for €350!!!
1) You need to differentiate between what you deserve, and what you can afford.
2) You need to get over yourself if you feel that an "Acoustic solutions TV for €350!" is somehow slumming it.

I had to run my fathers pub for over a year as he was sick, I was working way too many hours and trying to balance collage so I think I deserved to buy a TV and i actually ended up only buying an Acoustic solutions TV for €350!!!

Hi there deislem, I gathered that from your posts, I come from a simular background (a pub) and I too was in a simular position and had to run the family bar for a year, and I am sure that like me - "you were paid loads!!!!!! i.e. nothing!!"

Complainer is right, you need to differenciate what is deserved, and needed.. I work very hard, on top of that I manage a home and family, I deserve a holiday! I dont have the money, so I need to make do...
So it was your father's pub, and not your own, or were they two different pubs ?
I'm not sure if that really matters, the OP may have wanted to be discrete, I have run a family pub like the OP.

To me the main issue here is the OP's spending habits, there is no denying that this person works very hard and has managed to balance studying with helping his dad.

The problem is the OP took out loans at a very young age to buy a car, holiday etc and is now not able to pay the loans.
To be honest quitting collage altogether is really hard, because the OP may not be able to find work...

However OP would you look into transfering into a night course, or atleast speak to someone in collage who can help - you'd be surprised at how willing to help lecturers or councillers can be...
check with college do they have an assistant fund. its normally based on your expenses but it could help you
That's an old post. I wonder how it all ended up.

I had to give up uni when I was 20. My parents did not help me financially, I was not eligible to a grant (not even to housing benefits, because the room I was renting had an area of less than 7 square meters), and my various p/t jobs (tutoring, cleaning, looking with people with dementia, handing out leaflets in the street, doing surveys, serving drinks at corporate events etc.) did not pay enough to meet the bills.
I wish I had been able to borrow enough money to finish the year. I would have taken (and passed) 2 BAs and I had a good chance to get a scholarship to study further for 4 years, paid £1.5K (in today's money) net pm! It would only have taken around £5K (in today's money) but banks do not lend to students in my country.

I quite agree that owning a car at 22 is a bit ridiculous. I don't even have a driving licence. At work, I've often been looked down on by car-owners. In the UK, these tend to live with their Mummy and their Daddy (who often paid for driving lessons, bought the car and help with motoring costs); in France, it tended to be people who lived in council housing.

Last week, one of my 40-something colleague was fantasising about what he'd do if he received £18K: his immediate thought was 'use it to pay off some of my mortgage'. The 20-year old sitting next to him replied: 'I'd use the money to buy another car'. She already has 2 (both bought by her Daddy): 1 with a roof which can be removed, for the summer, and another for the winter. She lives a mere 30 minute walk from work.

I had to run my fathers pub for over a year as he was sick, I was working way too many hours and trying to balance collage so I think I deserved to buy a TV and i actually ended up only buying an Acoustic solutions TV for €350!!!

ahhhh! Reading this is quite annoying as it shows how this generation feels entitled!!! At 27, I am part of "that" generation but I saying something like that woul dnot cross my mind! I think it is quite shocking!!!!! There are a very limited number of people on this Earth who deserves something, I don t think you are part of that lot!
There is a huge difference between NEEDS and WANTS!

As said before, you can not have your cake and eat it.
How can one be in college, no job (full time) have a car and the expenses attached to it? This is simply crazy! I do hope you live at home at the moment and does not have to pay rent.

I think the car needs to go...one way or another. It goes without saying that you need to sell it privately.

I do hope your job interview in went well!