Eddie Hobbs new Brendan Investments vehicle

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The facts I've raised have not been countered at all by the above. You still can't get passed the quoted PLC higher cost issue, the sales commission kick back and bank arrangement fee kickback in the Augusta fund and that BB is a serial property hater - clear from his thome.

The final irony is that Liam Ferguson afaik is not authorised by IFSRA to give advice on shares in a plc and neither, presumably, are any of the critics here. Liam is a restricted intermediary, that means, generally limited advice on life office products. Gonk is an industry person with a strong link to Augusta but I'm presuming he too does not have the IFRSA license or competance recognition to advise. BB is similar and is not authorised. Archibald has engaged in defamation already and has been edited and seems to have a particular bug about at least one of the promoters.

A sorry lot imho to be dishing out "advice" when none of you are actually authorised and, by extension recognised as having the competance to do so.

The same can be said about the people posting heavily in favour of the product. What are their interests and qualifications? At least Liam and Brendan have the decency to post using his own names and I never thought they were giving advice in their professional capacities. The promoter himself has admitted posting on this site using an assumed name which he is quiet entitled to do but in my opinion is bad practice. Let Brendan Investements come on to this thread openly and refute all the arguments instead of hiding in the background making snide remarks about anyone that doesn't agree with them or come on and deny that they have been posting at all.

This thread is getting boring though. I won't be investing as I don't agree with their outlook on commercial property and I am not handing over 20% of the upside over such a low hurdle. I also don't agree with the involvement of Eddie Hobbs and the mass marketing. Its as simple as that.
Gonk is an industry person with a strong link to Augusta but I'm presuming he too does not have the IFRSA license or competance recognition to advise.

I have already stated and I repeat now I am not in any way connected with the financial services industry. And, as I have also already stated, my only connection to Augusta is my investment in one of their previous funds. I don't appreciate being called a liar by someone who's bellyaching about defamation. I doubt Augusta would appreciate the implications of your comment for them either.

Anyone who wants can look back over my posts on this site on a wide variety of topics since the start of the year and consider whether they think they are really a part of a clever plan to create a cover story for myself before I began a hatchet job on BI.

I am not advising anyone to invest or not invest in BI, Augusta or anything else. I have just given my opinion, for what it's worth, and pointed out some facts which some other posters would prefer not to have highlighted.
The final irony is that Liam Ferguson afaik is not authorised by IFSRA to give advice on shares in a plc...

Well done Gomahawk - you're absolutely right for a change. I'm not authorised by IFSRA to give advice on shares in a plc. That's why I put the following into my very first post in this thread.

P.S. - As a Multi Agency Intermediary, I don't have an agency to sell this product so views epressed in this thread are personal.
Archibald has engaged in defamation already.

Gom, that is defamation.:mad:

A general thought occurs to me. Many of the opinions in this thread are quite passionate. I can understand a variety of reasons why people in the anti camp would be that way. The infinitely more intense personalised reactions of the Hydra camp as in the above quote cannot be simply due to their independent professional assessment of the merits of BI.
A general thought occurs to me. Many of the opinions in this thread are quite passionate. I can understand a variety of reasons why people in the anti camp would be that way. The infinitely more intense personalised reactions of the Hydra camp as in the above quote cannot be simply due to their independent professional assessment of the merits of BI.

I thinking exactly the same thing.
A sorry lot imho to be dishing out "advice" when none of you are actually authorised and, by extension recognised as having the competance to do so.

Come now Gomahawk, you're really grasping here. You know very well that most firms, including my own, chose which regulatory status to apply for based on the commercial realities which applied to them.

If an MAI firm chose not to apply for AA or other status for commercial reasons, it's ludicrous to try to imply that it had anything to do with competence.

That line in reasoning is so old it's dull as ditch-water. Many people, including one representative body tried to peddle the nonsense that AA status automatically denotes superior advice, but they had to change their tune.
I genuinely started this thread five weeks ago with an open mind. I believed then and I believe now that European Commercial Property has a place in a diversified portfolio.....That said, I've gone off BI since this thread started, driven in part but not entirely by some of the analysis in this thread and elsewhere.

What would you now do if three weeks ago you advised someone to invest in Brendan (authorisation aside) ?

For others : Could Riddler have hit the nail on the head weeks ago:
"One of the more interesting aspects of Brendan Investments is the disintermediation of the intermediary. It may well prove a test of investor maturity. Could this be at the heart of some of the "concerns" being expressed ?"

For others : Could Riddler have hit the nail on the head weeks ago:
"One of the more interesting aspects of Brendan Investments is the disintermediation of the intermediary. It may well prove a test of investor maturity. Could this be at the heart of some of the "concerns" being expressed ?"


Oh Jayz, this Hydra is outa control!

I have no part in the mythical Hydra you refer to nor am I party to the Garradrimna Junior B hurling team and their hurlers on the ditch. Kruger is absolutley right in his request...it's high time Garradrimna residents got off their bar stools and went home.

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Gonk, the Sunday Times speculation is wrong. Riddler's last post was 11.02 pm Friday sept 7th at which point Hobbs was on the Late late Show. Riddler was somebody else obvious from the writing style. The irony is that jounalists and, concious of the rules about naming, also post here under monikers including on this thread and based at the Sunday Times.

Some hacks use AAM to drum up stories and, occassionally, when short of ideas resort to quoting nameless sources from AAM.

I have just read the whole thread and I'm in no doubt that someone else had riddler's password - you do not fool me !

It is also obvious that people connected with BI have been posting but why would they bother ? Why would EH care what posters on AAM are saying ? The longer this thread goes on the more damage that will be done to their business.

What will happen to investors money if insufficient funds are raised ?

Close this thread.
Yeah - I'd say that the advocates of BI probably regret getting involved with
"the same nameless cranks ... on a website with nothing better to do most of the time, some of whom lead such sad existences they've posted tens of thousands of times"

After all, if they hadn't risen to the bait, the thread would probably have died out after a couple of posts. Instead it now ranks 2nd on Google, only preceded by the BI website itself.
What would you now do if three weeks ago you advised someone to invest in Brendan (authorisation aside) ?

That's the whole point. As I don't have authorisation to sell this product or give advice on it in a professional capacity, as I stated in the very first post on this thread, the views I have expressed are purely personal.

Because I can't professionally advise anyone to invest in this product, I'm free to learn about it as I go along, through the media and Askaboutmoney, just like any other consumer.

I have no part in the mythical Hydra you refer to nor am I party to the Garradrimna Junior B hurling team and their hurlers on the ditch. Kruger is absolutley right in his request...it's high time Garradrimna residents got off their bar stools and went home.

Jayz, Kap, I don't understand any of that, but I accept your bona fides that you are separate from the Hydra. Very sad.
People are entitled to their good name and this entitlement is protected by law. In my opinion the contents of some posts contain innuendo bordering on defamation. Such innuendo is not something that should be tolerated in any public forum. Regrettably it is being tolerated in this thread and an associated thread. The owner of this site should publish clear unambiguous guidelines for posters and ensure effective compliance.

I note there has been no response to this suggestion.
People are entitled to their good name and this entitlement is protected by law...

Indeed they are converse2007, indeed they are. And may I say that your name is more than just good. In fact it's great. By the way, I knew your father converse1933 well. He'd be very proud. :rolleyes:
Ok close the thread then if you are tired of it all but I'll keep an eye for any future uninformed posts from unqualified people dressed up as "advice". I'll also keep an eye out for any further attempts at defamation how about that. Slan
Or how about... :rolleyes:
Is it because Brendan's extreme views as expressed in his book like telling investors to avoid property as an investment altogether and put 100% of your cash into the top 10 ISEQ stocks, or his fixation on absolute costs which saw him tell investors to go 100% into the defunct Equitable Life, has finally worn out IFSRA's patience? ... He is an extremist.


Shane Ross ... He is not credible.
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