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  1. M

    KBC KBC - infamous flyer timeline

    I don’t suppose there’s any update on this? Has anyone with a similar case to mine, (ie drew down in early 2007 after the flyer but didnt roll off to tracker ) have success? Surely by now one of these such cases have been reviewed?
  2. M

    KBC KBC - infamous flyer timeline

    Out of curiosity, if you are successful who must redress as KBC are now out the gap
  3. M

    Can I view the turnover of a limited company?

    Its a retail store.
  4. M

    Capital Gains Tax, Family Home

    Apologies if this has been dealt with elsewhere. My mother and her 3 siblings recently put family home on the market following the passing of their mother. Sale agreed, I presume they are liable for CGT on the proceeds?
  5. M

    KBC KBC - infamous flyer timeline

    As did I , am I correct in saying that this now dead in the water? It’s over 5 years since the scandal broke through into the public domain and banks relented on most other coherts… it seems KBC took a position on remainning cases of ride it out and then get out of town … The scandalous pace...
  6. M

    KBC KBC - infamous flyer timeline

    what pace do these guys work at, its beyond belief... December 17 was the 'breakthrough' on KBC cases.. We are waiting since that for the this cohort to be addressed,
  7. M

    BOI 365 App issues?

    Are there any issues with the 365 App? I cannot log in for the past few days on and off
  8. M

    TWSS -Returned to Work still only being paid 410.00

    I recently returned to work full-time, however my employer is only paying me the 410.00 claimed from the TWSS. I assumed I would have to be 'topped' up to my pre-covid pay, Im unsure if my employer is entitled to do this, or is taking advantage of both me and a system? Any advise would be...
  9. M

    KBC KBC - infamous flyer timeline

    Any update on this at all?
  10. M

    KBC KBC Tracker Examination Information

    Yes I’m afraid I didn’t have any success and the ombudsman didn’t include these cohorts so I presume it’s all wrapped up
  11. M

    KBC Appeals with KBC

    Yes regarding the flyer I signed a fixed term in Jan 2007, through broker after the flyer but have been excluded on the basis that the application began pre the flyer. I think there are quite a few with this angle however reading the decisions I’m not hopeful, I really wish i could have closure...
  12. M

    KBC Appeals with KBC

    Anything in the ombudsmans release yesterday regarding KBC?
  13. M

    KBC Appeals with KBC

    Are you optimistic Gavin what is your case built on, is Pk hopeful?
  14. M

    Ombudsman will publish 25 legally binding tracker mortgage decisions "by the beginning of March"

    Any idea what banks these decisions relate to ? And how many of the 25 settled in favour of the customer?
  15. M

    KBC KBC - infamous flyer timeline

    When will this be put to bed one way or another by the FSO?
  16. M

    KBC KBC - infamous flyer timeline

    Interesting. Huge amount of broker activity in play during this period and doubtful that they invisaged what was down the line .as alluded to many are now gone
  17. M

    KBC KBC - infamous flyer timeline

    I drew down and signed the fixed a month after the flyer came out December 06 through a broker but they have left us out of scope on the basis we originally initiated application in August of 06. We didn’t even decide to run with IIB until a week before the final application however they say the...
  18. M

    Robot lawnmowers - pros & cons & experiences

    Yes highly recommend the Husqvarna model , cuts very well changed my life I work 70 hours a week with young family so time is precious, those 5 hours per week cutting in the summertime are worth the investment, along with the running and maintenance costs of my old banger Viking
  19. M

    Final report of Central Bank on Tracker Examination published

    It appears highly unlikely that the FSO is going to rule in favour of anybody outside the 40000 at this stage. Many who may have thrown good money after bad in taking a case. Salt in wound stuff