2010 resolutions


Registered User
Don't want to be a bah-humbug, but anyone thinking of new year's resolutions?

I'd like to get back into photography and reading.
Fitness for me...i have been very lazy the past couple of months.

and not reading anymore threads on the PS ;)
To lead a healthier lifestyle and take a cookery course on old fashioned recipes.
Last year I resolved to address my phobia (fear of rollercoasters) ... this year I think I'll learn to moonwalk.
Stop biting nails, awful habit, keep going with my photography so I can hang nice pictures in my house, do my garden by spring, it is like a building site, no grass, no nothing in it, just rabbits and weeds!

Caveat, go for it, just do it, my last years resolution was to quit smoking the 20 a day and I did (wasn't easy for me by no means but glad I had the willpower), sitting here now with such relief and extra money which is much needed in my pocket, plus and this was a big plus, everybody compliments me and how well I look, I have lost my pasty grey sickly look, which means I am glowing.
Walk home from work in the evening, cut out wine during the week, write down three nice things that happened every day.
Quitting smoking is easy, I've done it loads of times :D
I smoke between 5 and 20 cigarettes a week and while I feel no urge to smoke more I find it very hard to smoke less. I've been at that level for years.
My resolution is to get back running in the evenings. Before our last baby arrived I was getting in about 4k 4-5 nights a week but I haven't been out at all for the last 4 months.
I would love to run the Cork City Marathon in October next. Of course that will involve training now.

Being realistic, it won't happen :-(
Stop using swear words so much in general conversation
Get a handle on our finances
Be more thankful for the positives in my life.
Agreed - I swear like a parrot! Totally unecessary. I told the kids to keep reminding me and its actually working. I've started using the words bloody & feck as opposed to the obvious...