Who has the best job in Ireland?


Registered User
Recently while listening to TodayFM I got to thinking about Michael McMullan while he was reading out the sports news with the exact same stories for the 3rd hour in a row.

I thought he must have one of the best jobs in the country.

He is, I'm sure, fairly well paid as he seems to come across as the stations main sports guy.

There's days he doesn't seem to be on duty, and when he is he might be on for 4 or 5 hours and often only has to read out the same stories for a few minutes each hour. I often hear him change the order or just word them differently to make it sound like he has changed something and actually done a bit of work in the last hour.

I appreciate that he has to monitor the worlds sports news while waiting for the next bulletin to come round, but surely this means he just sits for 55mins surfing the net? Great job if you can get it. Its not as if he is a political reporter who has to battle with tough opponents, boring politicians or a crime reporter who might get a bullet in the head.

And then he has the bonus of being on the live saturday afternoon sports programme. So he gets to sit all day and chat football, mixing it with ex-pro's and managers. He also gets all expenses paid trips to matches as well, and I am sure he gets put up in all the best hotels and eats the best food. He'll be off to Paris shortly to watch the Ireland qualifier too, and of course is guaranteed tickets for all the big games.

So for me, a football fan, he has the job I'd kill for.

Can anyone think of anybody who has a better job than that?
That is a good one. I think that the person who has a job of giving the lotto winner his / her cheque must also be a good job. He / she is constantly surrounded by people 'on top of the world'!
Personally I'd love to be head of a trade union. You get paid a 6 figure salary + company car and other benefits, you don't have to take a pay cut as it sets the wrong example and you've got a great excuse if things go wrong, "not my fault, blame the govt, IBEC, bankers, greedy capitalists" etc etc

Only issue is that I don't like beards

Failing that, can I be head of a quango or semi state body?, I can earn hundreds of thousands in expenses, take the wife on trips round the world and when it goes wrong, get a big pay off for resigning and can take over as head of the Institute of Public Administration
Obviously it is Mary McAleese. A lovely house in The Phoenix Park for 14 years with people waiting on her hand and foot.
A salary to make me blush. Driven everywhere and I have never seen her car stopped at a red traffic light.
First class tickets to any sporting event she wants to go to and a substancial pension when she retires.
What about being abank boss or better still an ex bank boss or even an ex financial regulator or even an ex FAS chairman.These guys are in the big league ,retiring to lotto sized pensions and payoffs after their expenses fuelled and huge salaried tenures when they weren`t doing much of a job.
CEO of an Irish bank.

Who cares if you're useless at the job and spend all your time attending social and sporting events, you still get paid millions and then get a golden handshake.
Personally I'd love to be head of a trade union. You get paid a 6 figure salary + company car and other benefits, you don't have to take a pay cut as it sets the wrong example and you've got a great excuse if things go wrong, "not my fault, blame the govt, IBEC, bankers, greedy capitalists" etc etc

Only issue is that I don't like beards

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ASTI John White
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CPSU Blair Horan
AHCPS Dave Thomas
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not a whisker in sight.... (apart from David Begg's cameo in the last pic)
I think Michael in the comedy The Office US version has the best job, I would LOVE him to be my boss!!!
CEO of an Irish bank.

Who cares if you're useless at the job and spend all your time attending social and sporting events, you still get paid millions and then get a golden handshake.

How about PA to the CEO of an Irish bank........
Obviously it is Mary McAleese. A lovely house in The Phoenix Park for 14 years with people waiting on her hand and foot.
A salary to make me blush. Driven everywhere and I have never seen her car stopped at a red traffic light.
First class tickets to any sporting event she wants to go to and a substancial pension when she retires.

Ye what actually does she ever do? Seriously like?
Master Brewer in the Guinness factory is a sweet job
Having to personally taste all the batches

Plus there are other Diagio products if you want a change

Poor guy must be a raging alcholic by now :p